
PAX East 2017: The Elder Scrolls Online’s battlegrounds are exactly that

My absolute first appointment at PAX East 2017 was to stop by The Elder Scrolls Online display to check out the new battlegrounds coming...

Grab a Paladins closed beta key for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 from Hi-Rez and MOP

Hi-Rez's team-shooter MOBA Paladins hits closed beta for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 today, expanding the game beyond its 8 million open beta players...
This isn't anything like Overwatch and I don't know why you'd say that.

Paladins closed beta keys for PlayStation 4 (North America)

To access the Paladins console closed beta on PS4: 1. Log into your PlayStation 4, then navigate to the PlayStation Store 2. In the left-hand column,...
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: Abilitiy revisions for Final Fantasy XIV: Melee edition

I had really hoped for something a touch more substantial about Stormblood from this weekend's event, but we got what we got. Thus we...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #24-19

What are the best and most popular MMO theme songs of all time? A couple of weeks ago I posed this question to the...
New content rarely has videos.

PAX East 2017: Final Fantasy XIV’s Q&A panel

At the time of this writing, there's just over a hundred days until Stormblood launches, expanding the world of Final Fantasy XIV for the...
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

PAX East 2017: Naoki Yoshida on Final Fantasy XIV’s new jobs, old jobs, and future patches

It would be fair to say that Final Fantasy XIV fans treat Naoki Yoshida like a rock star, and he carries himself like one:...

A space starfish is attacking DC Universe Online, seriously

To honor the upcoming Justice League movie, the devs over at DC Universe Online are roping in the very first villain that fought this...

PAX East 2017: Elite Dangerous and its ‘slightly cowboy free-for-all’

Frontier is hyping Elite Dangerous' expected Q2 PS4 release at this year's PAX East (colon still MIA, sorry), complete with confirmed HOTAS support. Frontier's...

Sea of Thieves’ devs return for another hilarious gameplay video

"What is the point of making a game if you can't be the best at it?" In a second (edited) developer gameplay video, the Sea...

PAX East 2017: TERA is coming to Xbox One and PS4 this year

Remember those rumors last year about a console port for TERA, buffeted by the surveys to selected TERA players about which consoles they play...

Geek out with some Elder Scrolls Morrowind lore comparisons

I consider TES III: Morrowind one of the greatest RPGs ever made, due in large part to its gloriously excessive backstory, a significant portion...

Massively Overthinking: That moment when your MMO looks like a ‘fire sale at an exotic pet store’

Massively OP Podcast listener John recently sent us a really great question that saw Justin and me sharply divided in terms of our responses,...

Beat Destiny, earn a personalized t-shirt

I ground rank 7 in Destiny and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

The Stream Team: Experiencing more Elder Scrolls Online

Despite the fact she has owned Elder Scrolls Online since it launched nearly three years ago, there is so much that Massively OP's MJ...

Elder Scrolls Legends plans PvE update, major expansion, and multiple platform rollouts

Elder Scrolls Legends, the online TCG spawned from the ever-popular Elder Scrolls franchise, has a massive infodump and launch today. For starters, the game formally...

The Elder Scrolls Online: Content for PvPers, content for decorators

The Elder Scrolls Online has a new dev blog out this week all about the game's planned Morrowind PvP additions. Thanks to our discussion...

Tamriel Infinium: The secret plot of Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind

More than a handful of die-hard Elder Scrolls fans do not like the direction that Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind is taking. As someone who...

The Perfect Ten: A plague of MMO bears

I have long been of the opinion that there are few more terrifying animals on this planet than bears. Sure, there are sharks, the...
We're throwing this party real low-key, right?

The Elder Scrolls Online is celebrating the Thieves Guild anniversary (discreetly)

Throwing a party for a guild of thieves generally seems like poor planning for the thieves. So while The Elder Scrolls Online is throwing...