saga of lucimia

Official Site: The Saga of Lucimia
Studio: Saga of Lucimia
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Fantasy sandbox
Business Model: N/A

Saga of Lucimia expands its dev team and readies a June test

Chatter around the in-development Saga of Lucimia seems to have died down since this past spring, although it has not disappeared entirely. The dev...

The MOP Up: Battlerite royale (May 6, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
I can see you now!

Saga of Lucimia previews its third-person camera perspective

Do you want to see yourself in Saga of Lucimia? Or see your character, we should specify. The team is making progress on the...
Yeah, there's no version of this that ends well.

Saga of Lucimia defends Star Citizen’s slow progress, Shroud of the Avatar’s transparency

One of the challenges for indie and crowdfunded MMORPGs is surely the nature of their development: plugging along without much fanfare, with players seeing...

The Daily Grind: Are blacklists, quizzes, and threats effective at reducing text toxicity in MMOs?

Toxicity in online gaming just keeps popping up - specifically as it pertains to chat and commenting. MOP reader Tanek pointed us to a thread about...

Make My MMO: Elite Dangerous players expose ‘wanker function’ hacker (March 24, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Elite Dangerous players scoped out the dirty doings of the paid HCS voice pack plugin, which was apparently intentionally and...
Blessed not be.

Betawatch: A Bless Online-ed event (March 23, 2018)

After all of the false starts, delays, and dearths of information, we finally know the truth this week. Bless Online is coming to early...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia will fight wiki infodumps with sparse patch notes

You know how when it's patch day in your favorite MMORPG and you're skimming the patch notes trying to figure out what exactly changed,...

Make My MMO: Dual Universe picks up former EVE Online dev, Project Gorgon hits early access (March 17, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, French website AFJV reported that Dual Universe studio Novaquark has snapped up one of the original EVE Online designers: Hrafnkell...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia argues GM events should be mandatory in MMOs, not an ‘optional service’

A few months ago, we ran a Leaderboard poll asking players what kind of live studio-led events they want out of MMORPGs. By way...

Make My MMO: Pantropy’s Kickstarter ends Tuesday, Project Gorgon eyes Steam this week (March 10, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, it's not looking great for Pantropy, whose Kickstarter is only just over half funded with only a few more...

Here’s how Saga of Lucimia says it’ll ‘keep toxicity to an absolute minimum’

This week's dev-written Saga of Lucimia blog asks everybody over the age of 35 to think back to bygone days "when reputation used to...

The MOP Up: Closers chooses its next character (March 4, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Saga of Lucimia says it won’t have an endgame – but it will end

If the term "endgame" elicits a particularly nasty reaction in you, you're not alone. The indie team behind Saga of Lucimia say that it...

Make My MMO: Pantropy will send teamkillers to jail on ‘Troll’s Island’ (February 24, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, online shooter Pantropy broke the 33% barrier on its ongoing Kickstarter. The game has half a month to go...
See, it's always dark and you need to have someone carrying a torch instead of fighting, and wait, come back.

Indie MMORPG Saga of Lucimia embraces gated content

You should probably not be terribly surprised to hear that Saga of Lucimia, an upcoming MMO that is staking a claim on the hard-as-nails...

Make My MMO: Dual Universe’s second crowdfunding effort and Massively OP’s third birthday (February 10, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Dual Universe is still zooming along in its pre-alpha, and it's addressed just that in a new AMA this week....

Saga of Lucimia discusses running after your corpse when you die in a pit

Show of hands, readers: How many of you have had great fun dealing with corpse runs, trying to retrieve your gear from the spot...

Make My MMO: Camelot Unchained’s big announcement is set for Thursday (January 13, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Camelot Unchained fans are stocking up on big bags of popcorn because the announcement has been announced! If you...

Saga of Lucimia widens its testing pool while hoping that its community will ‘play nice’

Fresh off of its "largest" alpha test to date, Saga of Lucimia and its team are gearing up for a busy 2018. In a...