shadows kiss

Official Site: Shadow’s Kiss

Shadow’s Kiss ends Kickstarter with 300% funding and several stretch goals

Expect some vampires to be popping bottles of the red bubbly today. The team behind Shadow's Kiss is celebrating the conclusion a modestly successful Kickstarter...

Shadow’s Kiss devs interview vampires as their Kickstarter nears finish line

Even though it's looking more like Christmas than Halloween around these parts, Shadow's Kiss is taking its Kickstarter all the way to the bank....

Make My MMO: Boots, boats, and battles in Camelot Unchained (November 18, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Camelot Unchained continued its ramp up to Saturday Night Sieges. "It’s been all hands on deck as we prepare our...

Make My MMO: Vampire MMO Shadow’s Kiss has almost doubled its Kickstarter ask (November 11, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, the Shadow's Kiss devs must be stoked beyond belief, as not only has their Kickstarter reached its goal but...

Indie vampire fantasy MMO Shadow’s Kiss has already reached its Kickstarter goal

Still bummed over the loss of World of Darkness and Revival? Shadow's Kiss may be for you. Last year, we covered the vampire fantasy...
This is fine.

Make My MMO: Elyria concedes coiffure complaints (December 17, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Chronicles of Elyria brought up that most critical of MMORPG features: hairstyles. I'm not even kidding; not 10 days...

Make My MMO: Ascent’s launch, Elite’s Engineers, and Star Citizen’s new concept ship (April 16, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, space games have dominated the headlines. Indie Kickstarted sandbox Ascent: The Space Game formally launched out of early...

Make My MMO: Vampire MMO Shadow’s Kiss is on Patreon (February 20, 2016)

So here's a new one for the Make My MMO crowdfunding column: We have a game that's actually vying for Patreon donations rather than...