sony online entertainment

See: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company


Massively Overthinking: The City of Heroes Master X Master debacle

On Tuesday, NCsoft announced that it plans to introduce Statesman, from the long-sunsetted City of Heroes, as a playable character in its MOBA, Master...

The Survivalist: Massively OP’s guide to multiplayer survival sandboxes

Welcome to The Survivalist! Ya'll might have noticed that I have gravitated a bit from my happy home of deep, immersive virtual worlds (possible...

Perfect Ten: Memories of an Anarchy Online noob

My initial foray into MMORPGs was, to put it nicely, quite ungraceful. I wasn't even aware that they were a thing until about the...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #18-13

Last week we were off to a great start as we listened to the first batch of player-voted favorite MMO themes. As I said...

The Stream Team: Hopping back into EverQuest II Heritage Quests

EverQuest II-sday is back! As if Massively OP's MJ could ever stay away. She's back in Norrath to continue with her mission to complete...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 109: We are all Dragonborn

Justin and Bree discuss our PAX awards, Guild Wars 2, Wizard101, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, The Repopulation, EverQuest, Eternal Crusade, and Pathfinder, with mailbag questions on Funcom's mystery game and Landmark-like sandboxes.

Remembering EverQuest Next

Is it too soon -- or perhaps too pointless -- to wool-gather about EverQuest Next? After all, that MMO project is deader than dead,...

The Stream Team: EverQuest celebrates 18 years!

Last night's stream was aborted thanks to Twitch's issues, so we're giving it another go tonight at 9 p.m. EDT! It's happened: EverQuest has left...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs ever retire classes?

Last week, I asked the Massively OP readers whether World of Warcraft needed another class (I want the Bard, obviously). But one Facebook fan...
It's like there's a party on your hard drive and you need that party to accomplish anything.

EverQuest turns 18 years old, throws birthday bash with free heroic characters for everyone

One of the most famous and longest-lived MMORPGs is celebrating its 18th birthday today. Back on this date in 1999, EverQuest released to a...

Global Chat: Fare thee well, Landmark

Believe it or not, there were actually people who played and enjoyed Landmark -- and were saddened to see it taken offline. To kick...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #24-19

What are the best and most popular MMO theme songs of all time? A couple of weeks ago I posed this question to the...

The Daily Grind: How often do you play outside your comfort zone in MMORPGs?

During the first couple of years I played MMORPGs, I was a pretty timid gamer in terms of my comfort zone for actual content. It...

A space starfish is attacking DC Universe Online, seriously

To honor the upcoming Justice League movie, the devs over at DC Universe Online are roping in the very first villain that fought this...

EverQuest II activates 14 expert dungeons and raids

EverQuest II is pouring a dollop of danger in the cups of its players this week, thanks to the activation of expert modes for...

EverQuesting: The Domino effect on Daybreak and EverQuest II

Yup, it's true. It was a sad day when Emily Taylor confirmed that she was indeed leaving Daybreak. When John Smedley's tweet popped up...

Crucible gets Westwood co-founder as its new boss

Hands up: Any Massively OP readers play the crap out of Command & Conquer back in the day? In the '90s, Westwood Studios was...

The Perfect Ten: A plague of MMO bears

I have long been of the opinion that there are few more terrifying animals on this planet than bears. Sure, there are sharks, the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best religious system?

Not every MMO includes deities, religions, and faith in their universes, but some do to varying degrees. I've seen games that weave such institutions...
I'm so drunk I can barely see, but it helps be get through another day!

EverQuest II kicks off a Brewday celebration

Is the world of Norrath awash in problems in EverQuest II? Do you see destruction and demise at all corners with no obvious solutions?...