Despite its utopian idealism, Star Trek isn't a stranger to the occasional scary tale or horror-themed outing. Captains in Star Trek Online have faced...
Once again, Star Trek Online's console community plans on catching to the latest update as Cryptic announced that Season 14: Emergence is scheduled to...
Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Star Trek Online, the mobile MMO avalanche, in-development MMOs from AAA studios, Black Desert's Kamasylvia, and Camelot Unchained, with mailbag questions on the MMO industry going backwards and the small touches in MMOs.
MMOs are complicated. This seems like a fairly non-controversial statement; there are more or less complicated games, but they all tend to be complex...
Justin, Bree, and Tina discuss Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire, Guardians of Ember, the EverQuest franchise, Villagers & Heroes' Starfall, Secret World Legends, Star Trek Online, and Ultima Online F2P, with mailbag questions on the best time to join a guild and deal-breaker MMO features.