Massively Overpowered’s Stream Team streams new and old games every week on our Twitch channel, OPTV. [Follow the Stream Team’s RSS feed]
stream team
The Stream Team: Landmark is where all IPs come together
When you give creative people free rein in Landmark, some pretty awesome things happen! Besides fantastical creations straight out of the player's imagination, there...
The Stream Team: Concluding The Secret World’s Issue #9 story
It may have taken some time (and not a little help from Massively OP's Justin), but MJ is finally on the concluding mission of...
The Stream Team: Building an H1Z1 fort
It's survival of the fort-est! A huge part of succeeding in H1Z1 is having a safe place to stash all your survival needs. MassivelyOP's...
The Stream Team: EverQuest II-sday, EU edition
If you've missed out on grouping with the MassivelyOP Minions because of time zones, today is your lucky day! MJ is introducing a European...
The Stream Team: Hunting down a set of wheels in H1Z1
Thanks to H1Z1's big patch, MassivelyOP's MJ can finally play someone with hair -- albeit still a male -- and she's going to take...
The Stream Team: Two troublemakers take on The Elder Scrolls Online
Interesting things happen when MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry team up in The Elder Scrolls Online. Exploring the justice system was quite the experience last time,...
The Stream Team: Tag-teaming The Secret World’s Tokyo story missions
With The Secret World's Issue #11 release creeping ever closer, MassivelyOP's MJ has to finish up the story missions from Issues #9 and #10...
The Stream Team: Finding a flock of faithful in Skyforge
During her first foray into Skyforge, MassivelyOP's MJ obtained her first follower. For an up-and-coming diety, a flock of followers is a necessity, so now...
The Stream Team: Gallivanting through Guild Wars 2
It's no joke! MassivelyOP's MJ is indeed returning to Guild Wars 2 to prowl the land and take in some new sights. As beautiful...
The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in EverQuest II’s early zones
There's never a shortage of things to do in EverQuest II, and -- better yet -- you don't have to be high level to...
The Stream Team: Swimming with the dolphins in ArcheAge
You've read about the brouhaha over the pink porpoise in ArcheAge, but have you seen the mammal in action? MassivelyOP's MJ was the recipient...
The Stream Team: Give me exploration or give me death in The Repopulation
Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to explore in The Repopulation, she gave the cloning facility a good workout. Today she'll boldly go where...
The Stream Team: Trekking through Skyforge’s closed beta
Whenever there is a beta, MassivelyOP's MJ looks forward to showing you what's new in the MMOverse. Luckily, with Skyforge she doesn't have to...
The Stream Team: Gobbling up AP from The Secret World’s golden golems
Giant golden golems in The Secret World give out oodles of sweet, sweet AP and SP, and during this week's Gilded Rage event the...
The Stream Team: Exploring the swamps of Factions: Origins of Malu with devs
Early Access of Origins of Malu has begun, which means players can now get in and check out the battlegrounds while wandering through some...
The Stream Team: I am Groot, kind of
March's Choose My Adventure Sampler Platter Edition continues tonight with a little bit of Marvel Heroes 2015. Join Massively OP's Mike Foster as he...
The Stream Team: Watch H1Z1 zombies and win a mouse
There's nothing quite as important as gathering all the essentials for living in a post-apocalyptic world -- assuming you want to live, that is!...
The Stream Team: Conquering EverQuest II’s Chronoportals
The fact that EverQuest II was literally born out of the popularity of EverQuest is not lost on the younger game, and during the...
The Stream Team: Sharing the story in Marvel Heroes
MassivelyOP's MJ is already decisionally impaired, and nothing emphasizes that as much as trying to choose whom to play in Marvel Heroes! There are...
Factions: Origins of Malu’s early access launch and interview
Origins of Malu has certainly had a long, bumpy road to launch. Showing up on our radar back in August 2011, this title has...