
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

Amazing. I had another use for this header.

World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV are exchanging jokes over Twitter, and it’s awesome… and significant

It began quite innocently. A streamer asked whether he should play World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV. That would have been the end...

Revelation Online spills more details on the Faerie’s Funland in-game themepark

If you're a real-life amusement park junkie as I am, you're probably looking forward to Revelation Online's next patch with interest, even if you...

EVE Fanfest 2017: EVE Valkyrie adds atmospheric flight in Groundrush, coming April 11th

Virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie has taken centre stage in the emerging VR landscape, growing from a tech demo developed by some devs at CCP Games...

World of Warcraft eases up on flight requirements

Great news today for World of Warcraft players stressed out over the last batch of requirements to regain their pilot's license. Blizzard announced on...
This may potentially be my final form.

Final Fantasy XI’s April update arrives with a new Ark Angel ally

It's been a very long time since the Ark Angels have been a going concern in Final Fantasy XI, but they were most definitely...

PSA: Get FFXIV and Heavensward for $20 from Humble Bundle

Here's your solid deal for the day: Humble Bundle is selling both the core Final Fantasy XIV game and its first expansion, Heavensward, for...

World of Warcraft suffers demonic assaults, welcomes marching tadpoles

When the skies go black and start raining down fel fire, you best know that there's some bad hoodoo going down. In the case...

Global Chat: The fallout over Secret World Legends

The fallout over The Secret World's reboot into Secret World Legends has spread far and wide over the MMO blogging community, with many expressing...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 111: Secret World’s Destiny

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World, City of Heroes vs. MxM, Paragon Chat, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2 SAB, April Fools' Day, WoW 7.2, Destiny 2, and Club Penguin, with reader mail on Funcom and MMO guilds.

Black Desert’s South American edition will launch buy-to-play

Black Desert's South American edition will launch as a buy-to-play MMORPG, Portuguese-language website MMO Vicio reported earlier this week. Redfox Games will host servers...
Another Overwatch L.

Blizzard awarded $8.5M in Bossland WoW and Overwatch bot lawsuit

German bot company Bossland has lost another battle in its war with Blizzard, though that's to be expected since it didn't even show up...
Again, again, again.

World of Warcraft activates the mage tower, starts looking ahead to Patch 7.2.5

Now that Patch 7.2 is out for World of Warcraft, what's next on Blizzard's plate? Other than last night's hotfixes, that is. The studio...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s moon mining overhaul and the future of conflict

Just under four years ago at EVE Fanfest 2013, EVE Online's Executive Producer Andie Nordgren took the stage and delivered an epic long-term vision for the...

SuperData examines gambling practices across the online gaming industry

Gambling in video games has been a huge topic for devoted MMORPG players over the last year or so, as core MMOs like Guild...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – the main scenario

I never really had a chance to explore Final Fantasy XI expansion by expansion. By the time the game launched in North America, the...

EVE Fanfest will play host to deadly plague this weekend

In a macabre move, EVE Fanfest 2017 (this coming weekend!) is merging game activity and convention to bring its players in contact with a deadly...
Hire me.

Final Fantasy XIV makes a surprise appearance at WWE’s Wrestlemania

Professional wrestling is weird. Frequently, that means that it's weirdly awesome, but it's still weird. Case in point, you probably would not have expected...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst for ‘trash pulls’?

A week or two ago, Blizzard Watch had a post up polling its readers about which trash pulls in WoW they hated the most....

The Game Archaeologist: Rubies of Eventide

I can't say that Rubies of Eventide has been on my radar, like, ever. And yet practically every time I've asked for suggestions of...

One Shots: Avenging angel

When you push a player too far, commit too many crimes, and flaunt your evil with one of those tacky pre-battle speeches, you're going...