
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – the main scenario

I never really had a chance to explore Final Fantasy XI expansion by expansion. By the time the game launched in North America, the...

EVE Fanfest will play host to deadly plague this weekend

In a macabre move, EVE Fanfest 2017 (this coming weekend!) is merging game activity and convention to bring its players in contact with a deadly...
Hire me.

Final Fantasy XIV makes a surprise appearance at WWE’s Wrestlemania

Professional wrestling is weird. Frequently, that means that it's weirdly awesome, but it's still weird. Case in point, you probably would not have expected...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst for ‘trash pulls’?

A week or two ago, Blizzard Watch had a post up polling its readers about which trash pulls in WoW they hated the most....

The Game Archaeologist: Rubies of Eventide

I can't say that Rubies of Eventide has been on my radar, like, ever. And yet practically every time I've asked for suggestions of...

One Shots: Avenging angel

When you push a player too far, commit too many crimes, and flaunt your evil with one of those tacky pre-battle speeches, you're going...

The many faces of Camelot Unchained

Terrible pun title in honor of April Fools' Day! This week's Camelot Unchained update touches on art, interface, and ability cooldowns, but the most...

WildStar just lost its lead combat designer

This is not an April Fools' Day joke: WildStar's Lead Combat Designer just announced on Twitter that he has left Carbine Studios. "I'll give everyone...
how DARE you

The Warcraft Tales add-on project has been shut down by Blizzard

If you were excited about the promise of the World of Warcraft add-on Warcraft Tales, the bad news is that the project has been...
In this trying time.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-tide offers you an egg mount in this trying time

There has never been a Hatching-tide event in Final Fantasy XIV that has not been at least a little weird. This year, however, it's...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: More terminology the MMORPG genre needs

Many moons ago (so, a few months), I wrote a column about terminology that we need for the MMO genre. This made our Editor-in-Chief...

CCP Games says the number of VR units on the market is ‘amazing’

I sure hope you're not tired of CCP Games talking about VR because CCP can't stop won't stop. The video game studio known best for...
A proud, shamanistic tradition.

The Daily Grind: How much do you really care if your MMORPG is super successful?

Earlier this week, we reported on a SuperData revenue ranking report that showed World of Tanks pulling in more cash than World of Warcraft's...

Massively Overthinking: Competition vs. community in MMOs

Quantic Foundry, the games research group we've been tracking ever since it posted its original Gamer Motivation Model, has a new piece out this...

Dean Hall announces Stationeers, yet another new sci-fi sandbox

Remember back when DayZ creator Dean Hall was building ambitious sci-fi full-scale sandbox MMO Ion, inspired by EVE Online and Space Station 13? Remember...
If we do get a new race, of course, everyone knows my biggest suggestion.

Why World of Warcraft’s item level scaling is really, really, dumb

This has been a very stupid week. I know this because any other week, World of Warcraft completely destroying the reason for acquiring new...
Big time.

EVE Online plans Blood Raider capital ships with dedicated bays for player corpses

Perhaps the most disturbing of the pirate factions in EVE Online's dystopian universe is the Blood Raider Covenant, a radical Amarrian cult who drain the...

Stardust adds an amusement park inside Revelation Online

If you weren't sure before that Revelation Online's open beta is really a soft launch, does the fact that the game is getting a...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #12-7

It's starting to get serious now. As we well know, people are highly opinionated about everything, but when it comes to music, there seems to...
What's two times zero?

EVE: Valkyrie offers doubled experience for its first anniversary

Did you think that EVE: Valkyrie had been out for a whole year? Before you saw the headline, that is. Actually, perhaps you did...