
See: Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration’s new playable species, combat tree revamp, and Life Day are live

When Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration announced a major customization and combat tree overhaul earlier this month, we didn't imagine it was...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2024

You know, this traditional end-of-the-year roundtable shouldn't be a thing. We've been doing this such a long time and getting so much coverage on...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration teases new species, a housing deco upgrade, and a combat tree overhaul

Star Wars Galaxies fans always get a little sad every December as it marks the original MMORPG's deathiversary. But we're blessed to have multiple...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends teases multiple theme parks for 2025, recaps its annual financials

Rogue server Star Wars Galaxies Legends is ending the year with one more newsletter for fans, and as usual, it's packed with recaps and...

Massively Overthinking: The top three MMOs we played in 2024

I know from experience that when I list out the MMOs I want to play in a given year, it is an aspirational list....

MMORPG vet Rich Vogel says the games industry is recovering more slowly than he expected

Rich Vogel may not have a huge profile with MMO players, but he probably should: He's been involved with the business end of MMORPGs...
In the middle of our street.

Stars Reach unveils the earliest stages of its player housing homesteading system

Development on Playable Worlds' Star Wars Galaxies-esque MMO sandbox Stars Reach is continuing at an apparently speedy pace: The latest dev blog heralds the...

Massively Overthinking: Breaking the load-bearing mechanics in MMORPGs

The parable of Chesterton's Fence has been making the rounds on social media this week in a political context, but I want to talk...

Stars Reach says it ‘heard you loud and clear on graphics improvements’

Last week's Stars Reach trailer captured a lot of attention - so much that studio Playable Worlds decided to focus this week's dev blog...

Stars Reach’s new trailer shows significant visual improvement – and a partial list of professions

Late last night, Playable Worlds dropped a new trailer for Raph Koster's incoming MMORPG sandbox Stars Reach, along with an update for its NDA. As...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends is working on two theme parks – including one from an Ewok movie

Earlier this week, Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends dropped a developer diary for October with several teasers for the content the player...

Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends is cracking down on shady game mods

Heads-up, folks who mod in ancient emulators: The Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends is cracking down on mods, though hopefully not the...
Oh, thanks.

The Daily Grind: Which dead MMORPG needs a resurrection *and* has a possible path to get it?

A while back, our team was working on a MapleStory piece when we did something we often do when writing about MapleStory: lament the...

The Daily Grind: How much in-game money are you willing to spend on an MMORPG house?

A few weeks back, we did a piece rounding up some of the cool stuff Guild Wars 2 players have been building in Janthir...

Stars Reach is testing its very Star Wars Galaxies-esque ranger skill tree and combat in this weekend’s playtest

Whether or not - and it's probably not - you're in Stars Reach's upcoming playtest, this week's blog post will be of interest to...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends expands the Galactic Moon Festival for Halloween 2024

One of the oldest - and goofiest - MMORPG Halloween events has returned today thanks to player-run Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends:...
Keep your cat in a box.

Massively Overthinking: How do you stop MMOs from feeling like (or becoming) a part-time job?

In last week's Choose My Adventure, MOP's Chris penned a perfect paragraph summing up the paradox of MMORPGs - it doesn't even matter what...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends recaps PvP update, hints at holsters and Halloween

A week ago, the Star Wars Galaxies Legends devs surprised the playerbase with a Friday update that not only kicked off a house demo...

Massively Overthinking: Has the term MMORPG become toxic?

Back in 2016, when the MMORPG genre had just suffered a brutal one-two punch of losing EverQuest Next and the gutting of WildStar's team,...

It’s time to blow up houses in Star Wars Galaxies Legends – plus the devs just upgraded PvP and the engine

OK, so you're not really destroying houses with Star Wars Galaxies Legends' housing pack-up event. I mean, yes, you're calling in an airstrike on...