
See: The Daily Grind

Still crazy after all these years.

The Daily Grind: Do you like MMO quests with fail conditions?

In my recent forays into Dungeons and Dragons Online, I was forcibly reminded just how different this game in comparison of your standard MMORPG....

The Daily Grind: Are MMO lockboxes actually even worse than gambling?

MMO blogger Ethan "Isarii" Macfie made an interesting point in one of his recent Critical Writ videos that I think deserves some amplification and...
More of this story, please.

The Daily Grind: What are acceptable barriers to experience the story in an MMO?

One of the things that strikes me with a certain degree of bemusement is how often various bits of story in Guild Wars 2...

The Daily Grind: Are you ever attracted to MMOs that you know you’ll hate?

As an MMO enthusiast, I have this tendency to cheer games on and be interested in all sorts of titles -- even the ones...

The Daily Grind: Why are you not into virtual reality?

Massively OP reader and commenter Sally Bowls pointed us to a brief post on Axios in which a VR consultant and former Oculus employee opines...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you played an MMO ‘wrong’?

Over the weekend, MMO blogger and Massively OP frequenter Wolfyseyes posted what I thought was a fantastic piece on playing MMOs "wrong." Eschewing other...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best consumable items?

Back at launch, I had a lot of affection for playing a Warrior with Alchemy in World of Warcraft. Sure, I missed out on...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite pop culture reference in an MMO?

I will never be completely sure of it, but I like to think that the "Deep-Toads" of Lord of the Rings Online's Moria are...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio’s finances worry you the most right now?

During this week's MOP podcast, Justin and I remarked on Funcom's spectacular 2017 financial showing, particularly in light of the fact that its numbers were...
Too little.

The Daily Grind: How many people should an MMO be designed for?

I was having a discussion with a friend the other day about tabletop games and designed sizes. That sounds a bit complex, but it...

The Daily Grind: What do you think of World of Warcraft’s Shadows of Argus so far?

It's been a little over a week since World of Warcrafteers (that's a term, right?) jettisoned the world of Azeroth for that of Argus,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG is the worst at balancing difficulty?

Justin's LOTRO Legendarium article on whether or not Mordor is too difficult struck a chord wth me. "I do not envy devs and their...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs do you wish would come to Steam?

I was poking through my Steam library this weekend hunting for an old game I wanted to install to see whether it still worked...
But not of-the-year material.

The Daily Grind: Who are your favorite MMO NPCs to hate?

The first really story-heavy MMO I played was arguably Guild Wars, and while it's been many years I still remember talking with other people...

The Daily Grind: Which multiplayer game do you wish were a full-blown MMORPG?

It probably has not slipped your attention that we cover more than just MMORPGs here on Massively OP these days. There's a lot of...

The Daily Grind: What wishful-thinking PAX West MMORPG announcement would blow you away?

Massively OP's MJ Guthrie is at PAX West (formerly known as PAX Prime, a much catchier name if you ask me!) for us this...

The Daily Grind: What MMO tutorial experience is your favorite?

The best way to learn how to play most MMOs is to already know how to play them. Heck, there are major parts of...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with MMO know-it-alls?

There is a particular brand of MMO player that has the tendency to get on my nerves, and that is the person who acts...

The Daily Grind: What do you actually expect to get out of MMORPG lockboxes?

MMO blogger Bhagpuss has an intriguing multi-angle post out this week criticizing, rightly in my mind, Guild Wars 2's lockboxes, but not the way...
More of this story, please.

The Daily Grind: How often do you play non-human MMORPG characters?

This weekend, I was toying around with my fancy Path of Fire-induced new character slot in Guild Wars 2. I have one of every...