tides of vengeance

World of Warcraft preps to unlock Battle for Dazar’alor and previews post-BFA content

We're four days away from the release of World of Warcraft's Tides of Vengeance content update, and Blizzard has posted a new update giving...

World of Warcraft previews Tides of Vengeance’s Battle of Darkshore warfront and new Faction Assaults

World of Warcraft's major update Tides of Vengeance is less than a week away, and Blizzard is continuing to roll out the previews of...

World of Warcraft details changes to cosmetic rewards from Island Expeditions in Tides of Vengeance

A couple of weeks back, Blizzard announced that it would be simplifying the way that cosmetic items are rewarded in World of Warcraft's Island...

World of Warcraft previews Island Expedition changes coming in Tides of Vengeance

Hoist the sails, swab the decks, and all that good stuff, because in the latest preview for World of Warcraft's upcoming Tides of Vengeance...

BlizzCon 2018: World of Warcraft details Tides of Vengeance and Rise of Azshara

Blizzard just wrapped up its World of Warcraft What's Next panel, and believe it or not, it wasn't a total dud. While we already knew...

World of Warcraft announces Tides of Vengeance with new content and account-wide rep tweaks

If you're enjoying World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth, you're probably OK with more of the same, as long as it's shiny and new....