
Co-op survival MMO Dead Maze pits you against zombies when it launches February 13

Last August, we heard about a cute little coop survival MMO called Dead Maze. Yeah, yeah, it's zombies. But it's also not your average...

Neverwinter talks about game fixes, puts the final touches on the Cradle of the Death God

Cryptic's state of the game livestream came out earlier this week for Neverwinter... and it was not quite as groundbreaking as you might have...

The Stream Team: A peek at closed beta of Conqueror’s Blade

Thursday sounds like a great night for action, does it not? Massively OP's MJ has the chance to check out the closed-beta action in...

Trove launches in Japan this spring, offers freebies through Twitch Prime promo

Trion announced today that Trove is launching in Japan on PS4 this spring, with closed beta coming "soon." You'll recall it launched in China...

Conan Exiles turns one, teases combat overhaul stream and biome progress

Happy birthday, Conan Exiles! Yes, Funcom's blood-and-guts survival sandbox is turning one this week, or more specifically, one year in early access on PC....

The Stream Team: Farewell, Master X Master

It is never a happy day to see a game end. Perhaps inevitable in the grand scheme of life, but never happy. Today Massively...

The Stream Team: Dark Reunions in SWTOR’s KOTET

Koth. Koth, Koth, Koth, Koth, Koth. Who didn't see that as a trap? Now it is a sure thing that Massively OP's Larry and...

The Stream Team: Checking out Age of Conan’s Saga of Zath server

Massively OP's MJ is curious about the "saga quest" being offered on Age of Conan's new Saga of Zath server. That means she has...
Well... it's a box, and one of the people in it is probably a skinner?

World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth preorders are live, launching by September 21

It's official: World of Warcraft's Battle for Azeroth preorders are live on the official store. You're looking at $49.99 for the base package and $69.99 for the...
This has less dramatic impact than hoped.

Rumor: Datamining hints that World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth preorders are close

Reddit and Twitter are buzzing today with another round of World of Warcraft datamining - this one from WoWhead, which has dug up new...

The Stream Team: Exploring ECO with devs

ECO is a survival game unlike the others; you are trying to keep the entire planet alive! Not only that, but it is full...

The Stream Team: Sneaking into Subnautica

If there was ever a survival sandbox to launch that Massively OP's MJ wished had multiplayer, it's Subnautica. She's heard so much about the...

Massively Overthinking: Considering pay-to-win MMO peripherals

MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls recently sent along a link to an insanely awesome 34" monitor that costs more than a lot of...

The Stream Team: A first look at Aftercharge

Have you heard of Aftercharge? No? Well it is worth taking a look at -- it has invisible robots! The 3v3 game pits a...

Funcom announces new forums coming for all of its titles — including Secret World Legends

Sometimes you really want to stick around to the very end of developer livestreams for any surprise announcements. In Friday's dev stream, Funcom shocked...

Star Wars The Old Republic devs tease February roadmap, call 2018 the year of returning companions

Ever since the Kotaku article quoting an anon BioWare dev saying that Star Wars The Old Republic's future is "up in the air" -...

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in Secret World Legends

Although Massively OP's MJ has never gotten close to needing extra keys beyond her daily allotment in Secret World Legends, she's still going to take...
lol, valve

Dota 2 fans boycott ESL’s Facebook streaming platform over Twitch banwave

In today's edition of "who's boycotting whom now," it's Dota 2 players' turn in the spotlight! According to Polygon, the community unrest began last week,...

Crowfall pores over Patch 5.4 improvements

Crowfall's pre-alpha test is back in business, having restarted with a brand-new build on January 23rd. The team braved an ice storm to record...
Try it out.

Wall Street firm sees Destiny 2 ‘struggling with player engagement’

Destiny 2 is definitely not riding high in its first year of live operation. Warning signs started to appear late last year, as datamining...