The Stream Team: Ghost Riding through Marvel Heroes’ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D event
Marvel Heroes is no stranger to running events with Marvel T.V. show and movie tie ins, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D just launched another season....
The Stream Team: More Mo capes in AdventureQuest 3D!
Are you lamenting your lack of a Mo cape in AdventureQuest 3D? Cry no more! MassivelyOP's MJ has another batch of special Mo capes to...
Why Undead Labs abandoned the State of Decay MMO
For a good while, the MMO community was following Undead Labs in the hopes of seeing its Class4 project come to fruition in the...
The Stream Team: Ascending SMITE’s charity challenge rankings
You always have to start at the bottom, but MassivelyOP's MJ doesn't plan on staying there! No, she has plans to ascend SMITE's charity...
The Stream Team: Derek Brinkmann dishes about Shards Online
How would you describe Shards Online? MassivelyOP's MJ found the perfect way to answer that question: She nabbed Derek "Supreem" Brinkmann to do it!...
The Stream Team: Tame a Jerboa on this ARK scavenger hunt
ARK's Scorched Earth expansion added a whole bunch of new items and dinos, but those are only available on the Scorched earth map. Or...
The Stream Team: Fishing and frolicking in Shards Online
It's been quite some time since MassivelyOP's MJ dived into Shards Online to show it off to you, and much has changed since then....
Eternal Crusade launch-day roundup and trailer
Following the deployment of patch #24 yesterday, Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is finally prepared to launch today. Players who jumped in last night found...
The Stream Team: Aion’s 7th anniversary includes mega XP birthday buffs
Has it really been seven years? Yes, it has! Aion, the game that brought MassivelyOP's MJ into this business, is celebrating its seventh anniversary...
The Stream Team: Starting SMITE’s charity challenge
What's harder than winning a match? How about finding a time everyone on the team can actually play! MassivelyOP's MJ is really excited to...
The Stream Team: Having a blast in Heroes & Generals
MassivelyOP's MJ may not be very skilled at shooters, but she really enjoyed her first foray into the World War II- inspired battlefield so...
Marvel Heroes adds Quake, Ghost Rider team-ups; Mark Rubin joins Gazillion
Did you catch the premiere of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last night? Are you kind of wishing you could see more of the characters...
The Stream Team: Bottoms up in Black Desert’s beer festival
There's a beer festival brewing in Black Desert, and who is MassivelyOP's MJ to pass up on a festival? Besides, grinding can work up...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 83: The joy of cooking (in MMOs)
Justin and Bree discuss MMO cooking, WoW, GW2, Marvel Heroes, Atlas Reactor, Bless, and Trove, with a mailbag question on comment negativity.
Amazon Game Studios’ Breakaway might be a Norse-themed game
The clock is ticking down to September 29th, a date that will witness the reveal of at least one major project that Amazon Game...
The Stream Team: Storm-ing through the Marvel Heroes story
One day, one day MassivelyOP's MJ will finish up the Marvel Heroes story missions on at least one character. But that day most...
Pokemon Go stream turns into ‘mugged in Central Park’ stream
Twitch streamer Rickeybot wasn't bothering anyone; he was just streaming a session of Pokémon Go in Central Park at night. Long-time stream audiences know...
The Stream Team: Celebrating World of Warships’ first anniversary
What's the best way to celebrate one year of World of Warships? Why, by blowing everything up, of course. OK, perhaps just the opposing...
The Stream Team: Finding more for the ARK flock
Have you seen The Birds? With how many flying creatures MassivelyOP's MJ and the crew are trying to collect in ARK, they might be...
The Stream Team: Happy birthday, ArcheAge!
It's Friday! MassivelyOP's MJ doesn't need another reason to celebrate, but here's one anyway: ArcheAge turns two years old today. Ah, those terrible twos. MJ...