
See: Ultima Online

MMORPG vet Rich Vogel says the games industry is recovering more slowly than he expected

Rich Vogel may not have a huge profile with MMO players, but he probably should: He's been involved with the business end of MMORPGs...
I tricked you!

Vague Patch Notes: MMORPGs are more popular than you think

Last week, I ended the Vague Patch Notes column with something of a tease suggesting that maybe, just maybe, MMORPGs are not an unpopular...

The MOP Up: Hawkeye joins the Marvel Rivals roster

Marvel Rivals is getting a good dose of the Hawkeye on December 6th along with plenty of other additions to the PvP shooter. The...

Massively Overthinking: Breaking the load-bearing mechanics in MMORPGs

The parable of Chesterton's Fence has been making the rounds on social media this week in a political context, but I want to talk...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the most interesting alchemy system?

You know, I am generally not the kind of person who goes for heavy mage-y things in MMOs, and that usually includes alchemy. I'd...

The MOP Up: Torchlight Infinite invites you to step into a painting

Torchlight Infinite's sixth season, The Frozen Canvas, arrived with a new character and a mechanic centered around painting and canvases: "As these paintings are...

Shroud of the Avatar revamps player dungeon rooms and prepares for Krampus in Release 131

We're literally just one day removed from Halloween, which means the Great Retail Calendar declares that it's Christmas now (Thanksgiving never existed unless you're...

The Daily Grind: How much in-game money are you willing to spend on an MMORPG house?

A few weeks back, we did a piece rounding up some of the cool stuff Guild Wars 2 players have been building in Janthir...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 490: What’s old is new again

Justin and Bree discuss New World, Wayfinder, Pax Dei, Tarisland, DDO, and Ultima Online, with adventures in Guild Wars 2, New World, WoW, and LOTRO, with a mailbag topic on solo vs. group MMO play.

Ultima Online details New Legacy’s skill progression in a new video

With Ultima Online's first annual New Legacy server underway earlier this week, Broadsword has begun releasing new videos explaining the game to newcomers. Might...

Ultima Online officially launches its first year-long New Legacy server and ClassicUO compatibility

New World isn't the only MMO with a big launch today: 27-year-old MMORPG Ultima Online also picked October 15th, 2024, for the rollout of...
Sorry for blur.

Vague Patch Notes: What is good meaningful leveling in MMORPGs?

All right. So we are here at long last, at the end of Leveling Month, although it's actually more like Month And A Bit....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 488: Amazon vs Amazon

Justin and Bree discuss Ultima Online New Legacy, New World Aeternum, Throne and Liberty, Lord of the Rings Online's Legacy of Morgoth, and fall expansions for EverQuest and EverQuest II, with adventures in World of Warcraft, LOTRO, and Guild Wars 2, plus a mailbag topic on what we're willing to do for long-term MMO rewards.

Shroud of the Avatar added a fishing hat, polishes quests, and applies fixes in Release 130

Any angler worth their salt knows that putting on the right fishing equipment is... probably not going to make fish bite your bait but...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest personal challenge you’ve set for yourself in an MMO?

A few weeks back, I saw a post on Reddit about an MMO player who had decided to set himself a bizarre project: to...

Ultima Online’s New Legacy will finally launch October 15

If you noticed that Ultima Online's New Legacy stress test came to an end on Tuesday without, you know, an actual date for the...
every day i owlin'

Massively Overthinking: Do you expect compensation for MMORPG trainwrecks?

Earlier this week, Blizzard admitted that a major bug had resulted in serious and permanent data loss for some World of Warcraft players, including...

Ultima Online devs are working with ClassicUO modders to rehab the ancient client and renderer

We're going for a record here, clearly! This will mark the third time we've needed to write about Ultima Online this week, what with...

Ultima Online has officially turns 27 years old today as it kicks off its final New Legacy stress test

So listen, an MMORPGs 27th birthday is not a big deal, except in the sense that I can count on less than one hand...

Ultima Online will run one more New Legacy stress test starting tomorrow, its 27th birthday

Last week, we noted that Ultima Online had counted eight beta tests for its New Legacy server already and was running out of time...