See: The Underground
LOTRO Legendarium: Moria, Gundabad, and LOTRO’s lessons on underground design
In late 2008, Lord of the Rings Online released its first and highly touted expansion, Mines of Moria, featuring the iconic Dwarven underground kingdom...
The Division’s Underground DLC is live for the Xbox One and PC today
There's a secret war raging in the streets beneath Manhattan in The Division. You know, in addition to the very obvious war raging above...
Shroud of the Avatar shows off kobold style
As players venture deeper into the underground of Shroud of the Avatar, they're going to run into kobolds. That's just the reality of things....
Lineage II goes Underground on October 14
Suit up, Lineage II players, because you're about to embark on your most amazing adventure yet.
On October 14th, NCsoft will be releasing the game's Underground...