
See: Ultima Online

Ask Mo: If Star Wars Galaxies is so smart, why ain’t it rich?

Star Wars Galaxies would have been 12 years old this week, had it lived a day past Star Wars: The Old Republic. That makes...

The Game Archaeologist: Seven MMOs operating on borrowed time

Most everyone who knows me well will acknowledge that I'm not generally a cynical, dark person. I'm not rooting for games to fail, for...

Ask Mo: Why MMORPGs still need traditional chat

I dug this intriguing question out of our brimming-over letters-to-the-editor bin, and it's particularly timely given the recent launch of Wander, notable for its curious glyph-based...

The Daily Grind: Is truly dynamic content still possible in MMOs?

This morning's Daily Grind comes to us from a Kickstarter donor at fivefingerdiscount.org (who by the way is still linking to Old Massively! Gasp!). The donor...

The Daily Grind: If it were 2003 again, which MMO would you play?

Fun hypothetical: Let's say that all of us -- including Massively Overpowered -- were thrown back in time 12 years to 2003. There's no...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a World of Warcraft progression server?

Classic servers and progression servers are on my mind lately. EverQuest just got yet another progression server; it had launch issues, but it's up...
UO Age of Shadows

Ultima Online seeks players for expansion focus group

Ultima Online producer Bonnie Armstrong has put out a call for player focus testers. Broadsword is searching for somewhere in the neighborhood of 250...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....

Raph Koster used MMO design to help revitalize a bar trivia game

You might know Raph Koster from his MMO legacy as a designer on Ultima Online or Star Wars Galaxies, or perhaps from his current...

‘No more grind’: PvP sandbox Das Tal launches its Kickstarter

As promised, buy-to-play indie PvP sandbox Das Tal has begun a Kickstarter campaign today to coincide with the launch of the German wing of...

The Daily Grind: Are modern console MMO communities worthwhile?

This morning's Daily Grind hurtles through space and time to us from Kickstarter donor Kenneth "Fizwocket" Gonsalves, who wonders about the console community potential in...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years

It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs. If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...

One Shots: Pics or the beta didn’t happen

Stargate Worlds was one of those rare MMOs that progressed into the beta stage and was played by many yet never launched. Even today...

The Daily Grind: When should MMO devs just stop tweaking?

Yesterday's reveal of Lord of the Rings Online's legendary item imbuing system struck me as a promising show of faith from the devs but nevertheless a...

Shroud of the Avatar to introduce player-owned towns with Release 17

Shroud of the Avatar's Release 17 is preparing to hit the ground running when it comes out on Thursday, April 30th. In its most...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best hybrid classes?

I didn't know hybrid classes were a thing, really, until I picked up classic EverQuest way back in 1999. Most of the roleplaying games I'd...

Koster on Star Wars Galaxies’ combat and social connectivity ‘glue’

MMO designer Raph Koster is back with yet another post-mortem on Star Wars Galaxies, this one the second part of his "living society" discussion. Get...
Meridian 59

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMO you’ve ever played?

I read yesterday's news about Meridian 59 with interest because it's one of the few genre titles that was before my time. My MMO obsession began...

How Star Wars Galaxies pioneered a ‘living society’

Former Star Wars Galaxies Creative Director and current Crowfall consultant Raph Koster returned to his blog last night to pen the fourth in his...

The Daily Grind: Where do you go to relax in MMOs?

This morning's Daily Grind comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor with a deceptively simple question: Which MMO zone is the most relaxing? A lot...