
Official Site: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (Wikipedia)
Studio: Sigil Games/Sony Online Entertainment
Launch Date: January 30, 2007
Sunset Date: July 31, 2014
Genre: Retro Fantasy Sandpark
Business Model: F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

EVE Online: Equinox launches today with a rejuvenated nullsec

EVE Online's big summer expansion, Equinox, is here to "rejuvenate nullsec" and give players some new ships to enjoy. To celebrate, CCP is granting...

Destiny 2 drops new Final Shape trailer as Steam concurrency is booming

Do long delays make the heart grow fonder? Maybe not, but they sure do give the video team a lot more time to make...

Pearl Abyss Q1 2024: Revenues hold steady as Crimson Desert gears up for reveals

Pearl Abyss makes its English financials website a bit of a navigation nightmare, but the company's Q1 2024 earnings presentation is indeed up -...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV boost their soundtracks

Where are my MMO soundtrack lovers today? Guild Wars 2 announced that it's going to be selling a vinyl edition of its Secrets of...

The MOP Up: Lost Skies gets downright cozy inside of its ships

Lost Skies' February dev blog showed off some UX work, early prototypes of its weapon damage system, and some super-cozy ship interior concepts. Also, the...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with interesting Guinness World Records

I never quite know how much stock to put in Guinness World Records. I guess it's somewhere between "for amusement value" and "stone cold...

Survival sandbox MMO Myth of Empires launches its 1.0 build on Steam today

Myth of Empires is flinging open its doors today - right now, in fact - as the sandbox survival MMO launches on Steam at...

Pearl Abyss Q4 2023: Well at least EVE Online had a good financial year

Pearl Abyss, best known to MMO fans for Black Desert and CCP Games' EVE Online, has continued its humdrum financial performance in Q4 2023,...

Not So Massively: Stormgate isn’t delivering a revolution (yet)

Stormgate's marketing is laser-focused on studio Frost Giant's plan to deliver an "RTS revolution." With StarCraft II still popular but slowly waning as it...

City of Heroes Homecoming opens testing of new Arsenal powersets, epic power pool revamp, TF diversity, and more

It's finally here, and by here we mean on the Brainstorm beta server: City of Heroes Homecoming's first big patch since April 2023 (and...

EVE Online tweaks Havoc insurgencies, preps monthly EVE Vanguard tests for subbers

This week's EVE Online patch builds on the Havoc expansion CCP Games dropped before the turn of the new year, with both graphical and...

Vague Patch Notes: What City of Heroes Homecoming means for the wider MMORPG industry

As you have probably noticed from the fact that I have been writing about City of Heroes nonstop since the Homecoming server got its...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...

Global Chat: What’s the best Wrath of the Lich King zone?

With Wrath Classic starting to wrap up, The Ancient Gaming Noob figured that this was the perfect time to rank the famous expansion's zones....

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2023

This traditional roundup of the best Daily Grinds of the year is actually one of my favorites because it demonstrates just how long we've...

The Survivalist: A toast to Conan Exiles’ new taverns, launching this week’s Age of War Chapter III

You know that feeling when you get something you really want? Something you've been waiting for? Conan Exiles is giving that to me --...

One Shots: Soft and squishy, yet fierce and determined

If MMORPGs, anime, and children's cartoons have taught me anything -- and really, it's where I get most of my learning these days --...

Pearl Abyss Q3 2023: Black Desert’s Land of the Morning Light pulled PA out of its slump

MOP readers might recall that three months ago, the news for Pearl Abyss was looking a bit on the grim side, as the Korean...

Global Chat: EVE Vanguard has a lot to prove

Just because you're a huge EVE Online fan doesn't mean that you're instantly rallying to the cause of CCP's EVE Vanguard. The Ancient Gaming...

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes emulator continues to improve, but it’s still in alpha

It's been a year-plus since we last checked in with the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes rogue server project. Since it's been a while, there...