
Massively Overthinking: Are modern games too cheap?

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is a submission from reader and commenter camelotcrusade, who takes the industry's current fight over monetization in a different...
Perhaps start by wearing some.

Blade & Soul grants character boosts, Blade & Soul Revolution struts its stuff on mobile

With only a few weeks left before Blade & Soul drops its "biggest patch ever," NCsoft is gifting players a bundle of goodies to...
In a big country...

Warframe gives players a free skin, activates Operation: Plague Star

Tenno, come and get it! Get your free skin, that is. To celebrate the full release of Plains of Eidolon across all platforms this week,...

The Stream Team: Marvel Heroes is really going bye-bye

No no no nonononono. As much as Massively OP's MJ does not want it to be true, Marvel Heroes will be shutting down. She...

Cyberpunk 2077 will include online elements of some sort according to a video interview

When science fiction writers pictured the world of tomorrow back in the mid-'80s, they pictured some things that definitely have not caught on in...

Survivalbox roundup: The Black Death communicates, Hellion revamps, and Life is Feudal soft launches

Once you recover from the drive-by scorching of MJ's ARK: Survival Evolved critique, perhaps you're wondering what else is going on with survivalboxes in...

Worlds Adrift discovers a bird-obsessed culture

With airships and an Indiana Jones attitude, a large part of Worlds Adrift's gameplay will be on exploration of the unknown. After all, the...

Sea of Thieves trailer dares you to ‘be more pirate’

All other studios, it's time to pack it in: Sea of Thieves has won the Trailer Olympics, at least for 2017. In Rare's newest video,...

Dark and Light shows off the environments of the Scalding Abyss

In the Flames of Bel'Xahl patch for Dark and Light that releases today, players will take on the greatest enemy of humanity since time...

PvE Zombie MMO Dead Maze has landed on Steam in closed beta

I think we've officially passed the zombie craze in online games, or at least it feels that way to me as new zombie games...

Forsaken Legends is not dead, but it is downsizing from an MMORPG

It has been a very long time since we have heard anything out of the indie team behind Forsaken Legends, an ambitious procedural sandbox...

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings an infinite forest, Mercury, and new raid lairs

Are you tired of MMOs providing you with bland and predictable finite forests? Thank goodness that Destiny 2 is here to show other MMOs...

The Survivalist: ARK Survival Evolved’s sequel tease is an insult to its fans

You know that moment when you just can't take it anymore? I am there, right on the cusp. I know many folks have gotten...
This has less dramatic impact than hoped.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth sets a world record for its diorama

Turns out that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is already setting records well before it releases. How? Well, it had a very nice...

The Stream Team: Robbing banks and raiding campsites in Wild West Online’s early access launch

In her first run through Wild West Online's Technical Alpha 1, Massively OP's MJ mined herself some gold and successfully made it back to...

Conan Exiles update scrubs out dupe bugs as servers are wiped

By Crom, Conan Exiles is under attack by dupe bugs! Funcom hurried to push Update 31 live yesterday to deal with the issue and...

The Stream Team: New chapter on a new server in SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire

With the Star Fortress destroyed, Massively OP's Larry and MJ can return to the main storyline in SWTOR's KOTFE expansion. They are even...
feelin' fine!

Bungie posts Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer, kicks off expansion stream

MMO studio streams are so common that we seldom report on them until after the fact and then only if they've actually revealed something...
Oh, you're busy, we can come back later.

Yeehaw, Wild West Online’s early access alpha has begun

The Wild West Online early access alpha has officially begun, at least if you shelled out for the higher tiers of founder pack. According...

Hyper Universe triggers a free testing weekend, brings in Bruce Lee’s stunt double

Players seeking a different twist on the familiar MOBA format might want to take a look at Hyper Universe. This slightly crazy game pulls...