virtual realms

Mobile MMO Warhammer Odyssey is forced to sunset because of ‘malicious attacks’

It has been some time since we reported on Warhammer: Odyssey, the mobile MMO that was first unveiled in August 2019 and soft-launched in...

Mobile MMO Warhammer Odyssey soft launches across the globe

Are you ready for another WAAAGH? You best be, for Warhammer: Odyssey has just "soft launched" on mobile devices, bringing the classic fantasy franchise...

Mobile MMO Warhammer Odyssey makes a combat balance pass and adds some quality-of-life features

Hey, remember Warhammer Odyssey? We've touched on this game a few times over the past couple of years, including a look at a very...

Mobile MMORPG Warhammer: Odyssey walks you through some of its locales in a video

Why would you want to stroll through a world where a Chaos Moon is causing misery, strife, and death? Why, to show off your...