Vitae Aeternum is a New World column by multiple members of the MOP staff. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]
Vitae Aeternum
Vitae Aeternum: Five MMO tips for New World Rise of the Angry Earth newbies
With the hype around Rise of the Angry Earth, a lot of players are starting or restarting their journey in New World. In my...
Vitae Aeternum: New World Rise of the Angry Earth’s generous endgame and season three
We have now arrived at the final installment of my impressions of New World's first paid expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth. Having already...
Vitae Aeternum: New World Rise of the Angry Earth’s uneven Elysian Wilds and main story
In my first post covering New World's Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, I laid praise upon the new mounts and riding skill, as...
Vitae Aeternum: Rise of the Angry Earth mounts and flail are the lift New World needed
New World's first expansion is here, although if I'm being honest it feels more like the second expansion, considering the scale of the Brimstone...
Interview: New World’s Scot Lane on Edengrove housing, transmog tokens, and more
In part one of my interview with New World's game director Scot Lane, we covered topics such as the game's past, future plans, and...
Interview: New World’s Scot Lane on the MMO’s past, future, and upcoming dungeon finder
New World launched two years ago today. While it may have stumbled out of the gate, I believe it has since evolved into one...
Vitae Aeternum: The pros and cons of New World’s transmog
In my very first Vitae Aeternum two years ago, I criticized some of the ways New World lacks character customization. It took a while,...
Previewing New World’s Rise of the Angry Earth expansion: Artifact gear, endgame, crafting, and onward
In my previous Vitae Aeternum column, I covered the big tentpole features of New World's first paid expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth, including...
New World’s first expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth, launches October 3 with mounts, flails, new housing, and more
New World's 2023 roadmap promised its first expansion, but until now, we had few details on what that meant. Recently the folks at Amazon...
Vitae Aeternum: New World’s second season improves on the first
New World's first attempt at seasonal content didn't exactly impress, but in typical New World fashion, the developers at Amazon Games have already made...
Vitae Aeternum: Touring New World’s housing system
Whenever I've talked about player housing in New World, my coworkers have requested tours of my in-game homes. Being a lazy worker looking to...
MMO Burnout: Dramatic Labs finds the right tone for Star Trek Resurgence
As a longtime gamer and observer of the industry, I know it can be tough to get excited about new announcements and releases. We’re...
Vitae Aeternum: What Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO should (and shouldn’t) take from New World
We've had one, yes, but what about second attempt by Amazon to deliver a Lord of the Rings MMO? During the last run at...
Vitae Aeternum: A love letter to all that New World does well
When you spend a lot of time in an MMORPG, it can be easy to become bogged down in all of the game's foibles....
Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s disappointing first season
It's now been a few weeks since the launch of New World's first season, Fellowship and Fire. I wanted to give it some time...
Vitae Aeternum: Previewing New World’s first season and updated 2023 roadmap
Last week, Amazon Games invited members of the press to a presentation where it unveiled its plans for a new seasonal content model for...
Vitae Aeternum: Obsessing over New World’s population numbers is a waste of time
New World is a bit unique in that it is the only major Western MMORPG that is playable only through Steam. The others are...
Vitae Aeternum: New World should do more with its housing
I find the history of player housing in New World a strange one. Prior to launch, I had the impression housing was being treated...
Vitae Aeternum: The uncomfortable truth of New World’s lax monetization
I have a pretty laid back approach to monetization in online games. Bar mandatory subscriptions and a few egregious outliers, I am generally fine...
Vitae Aeternum: A measured response to New World’s 2023 roadmap
When New World released its roadmap for the first half of 2023 a few days back, the initial reaction from fans was... not great....