
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

New Crowfall site design asks players to consider their legacy

Roads can deteriorate, statues crumble, castles collapse, and books are lost. But legacies persist. A redesign for Crowfall's website plays up the idea that each...

Trove announces the Revenant class

It's the bloodiest (and blockiest) knight you'll ever see in an MMO: the Revenant. Trove announced its newest class in a post today, saying that...

Get some Trove and Devilian goodies in this week’s Humble Bundle

It looks as though Trion Worlds has thrown in with Humble Bundle's Extra Life promotion, as both Devilian and Trove have made appearances in...
You absolutely need this, apparently.

Trove plans database overhaul to correct for game downtime

At the risk of being presumptuous, we think it's a fair statement that most people who enjoy playing online games prefer being able to...
That's a nice throne. Mind if I war over it?

Crowfall takes on the fine degrees of separation between bow users

You are not your weapon in Crowfall. Just because two archetypes use a bow in the game doesn't mean that they play the same....

Jukebox Heroes: An MMO Halloween playlist

Halloween is upon us, that spooky and magical time of year that exists both in real life and in many of our MMOs. While...

Crowfall plans busy November

With October coming to a close, Crowfall is gearing up for a big November, with more frequent news updates and the next phase of...
You hack at whatever, I'll just fly along with the power of deities.

Trove improves its refer-a-friend program

Online games are just plain better with friends. Trove aims to make it a little easier to get your friends into the game with...

Trove summons the bone dragon

Even as Trove is in the throes of a "very, very squarey" Shadow's Eve celebration, it's also summoning the fearsome bone dragon to terrorize...

The Stream Team: Haunting Halloween builds in Landmark

If you ask MassivelyOP's MJ, Halloween is the best time of the year! And she can't wait to see how people have decorated their...

Here is Daybreak’s Halloween event schedule

Daybreak has always been a huge proponent of Halloween, and this year is no different. Returning, new, and revised events are happening in pretty much...

Crowfall shows off the Champion’s design

Everyone has preferences about classes and playstyles in MMOs, and if you're the sort of player who plays only characters built like trucks wielding...
I am the most expensive player.

Trove explains its new player marketplace

You - yes, you - are the most perfectly creative player in Trove. You know it, your friends know it, and your enemies pretend...

Trove patches in Halloween decorations and alters stats

You can decorate your personal space in Trove however you like; if you want pumpkins and spiders crawling about year-round, that's your business. But...

Not So Massively: Gamers rally around Total Biscuit (October 19, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
is land

Worlds Adrift developers offer up a half-hour developer walkthrough

11When you have a sprawling game like Worlds Adrift, it can be hard to know where you're supposed to start playing. That's where walkthrough...

The MOP Up: Heart of Thorns countdown (October 18, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Crowfall conducts pre-alpha postmortem

Crowfall's first "Hunger Dome" pre-alpha test is complete and ArtCraft has many, many numbers to share in its postmortem. During the test, the Confessor was...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMO systems that could be great (but I haven’t seen it yet)

Before I start this column, I want to say two important things. First, my experiences do not extend outward to the limits of the...

Players publish video tribute to Landmark developers

A group of Landmark players have posted a heartwarming tribute video to the folks at Daybreak working on the game. Players Denghe, Oxillion, and Xyloriel, who...