

World of Warcraft
Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994

EverQuest launches Agnarr classic server

When it comes to EverQuest, it turns out you can go back again -- over and over again, in fact. This fantasy MMO has...

Tamriel Infinium: An alternative approach to playing Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

href="/tag/elder-scrolls-online/">Elder Scrolls Online chapter of Morrowind started this week. Unlike other times that we've streamed together when most of what we did was questing,...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Understanding MMORPG Warriors

There is always a Warrior. Every game has a Warrior. No matter what other class options it has, a Warrior is in that list....

World of Warcraft reduces artifact level cap, buffs Warriors, and sells new Murloc plushie

Let's catch up on some odds and ends that are going on in the realm of World of Warcraft. First up is a hotfix...
I'm just a friendly reminder.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best dungeon crawling experiences?

Dungeons are deeply on my mind as of late, mostly because I've been missing doing them in MMORPGs. It's odd: In particular MMOs, I...
lol, valve

The jury is out on whether or not DOTA 2 actually belongs to Valve

It's not very interesting to see a big company take knockoff companies to court to argue that the knockoff companies are violating intellectual property....

Global Chat: Saying goodbye to The Secret World

With the move to put The Secret World in maintenance mode and shift focus to the rebooted Secret World Legends, one MMO blogger decided...

Destiny dev admits to drawing dungeon inspiration from World of Warcraft

For all the allergies Bungie has to admitting the Destiny games are MMOs, the dev team is not shy about admitting that it drew inspiration...
I'll be dead soon

Massively Overthinking: Being Uncle Owen in MMORPGs

Ever since the tone-deaf SOE proclamation that nobody wanted to play Uncle Owen in an MMORPG, contrary me has consciously fought that very stupid...
oh for the love of eff

World of Warcraft shakes up PvP battlegrounds with bi-weekly events

To keep things interesting in World of Warcraft's PvP battlegrounds, the team recently implemented bi-weekly events that add interesting new twists in these familiar...
Great cast. Tell a story with it already.

Overwatch celebrates first birthday with free-play weekend and GOTY edition

Overwatch is turning one year this month, so bust out your hipster camera and baby confections for a cake smash! Just kidding. Actually Blizzard...

Exclusive Wild West Online interview on PvE servers, budget, and Red Dead Redemption 2

Here at Massively OP, there's nothing we like to hear more than word that new, bold, and big MMORPGs are in development. Over the...
just come back

World of Warcraft PvP offers tempting prestige rewards, Christie Golden joins Blizzard

Grind. The grind never ends. Just when you think you've capped your honor levels in World of Warcraft's PvP, you discover that there is...

Diablo III turns out to have lore, summarizable in a minute

Confession time: I have spent an absurd amount of time in the Diablo universe over the years (ask me about that time a Best...

The Game Archaeologist: When Hellgate London got Flagshipped

It seems that it really wasn't too long ago that I was filling in the time between night classes by boning up on video...

Massively Overthinking: Is the MMO genre facing an identity crisis?

MMORPG blogger and MOP commenter Isarii (@ethanmacfie) recently published an excellent video positing that the MMO industry is facing a "massive identity crisis." "The MMO...

One man, one MMORTS, one early access release

After seven years of development by a man named Robert Basler, The Imperial Realm: Miranda has finally released into early access. Miranda was inspired by...

World of Warcraft floats away in its Balloon Festival

Stressed out with life? Feeling like everything is dragging you down? Then take a break from your worries and float away on a hot-air...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: My MMO hate list

One thing that I strive for in my professional career is basing things on sources more robust than my own biases. That's not to...

World of Warcraft publishes new character profile system

The old World of Warcraft Armory -- now the Profile Page -- has a big update today, and while Blizzard says "the new Profiles look...