Black Desert Mobile gets the Askeia class today as PC preps for six-hour server move downtime


Black Desert is busy this week, starting with the launch of the Askeia class in the mobile version of the game. Askeia is essentially BDO Mobile’s take on the Mystic class from PC.

“Askeia embodies a fiery spirit and a calculated fist, introducing a distinctive combat style that relies on mastery of martial arts, diverging from the reliance on the Azure Dragon seen in the Mystic class,” Pearl Abyss writes. “The new class Askeia emerges as a formidable force, wielding her martial essence to perfection with its powerful active skills. During combat, Askeia wields the devastating Blast gauntlet as her main weapon, accompanied by the Martial Vambrace as her sub-weapon. Employing both in tandem, Askeia’s ability to crush her enemies with rapid, devastating combos will leave enemies no chance to counter attack. Starting with four active skills, Askeia learns additional skills as she levels up. Players who reach level 10 with Askeia will receive the coveted ‘Banha’s Tears’ title.”

In other Black Desert news, the PC side of the game is gearing up to cart its servers across North America this week – tomorrow, in fact – so expect a six-hour downtime for NA.

Source: BDOM, BDO
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