Polaris is an upcoming four-player PvE shooter featuring fully destructible environments


Yes, we’ve got another upcoming multiplayer shooter on our hands, but this one might have enough interesting wrinkles to it to raise it above the multitude. Developer Polaris Team, an offshoot of the award-winning studio Variable State, has decided to toss its hat into the sub-genre ring with Polaris, a PvE-only shooter that lets up to four players take up the role of superpowered individuals tasked with fighting an evil regime known as… the Regime.

Polaris takes place in a region of space overtaken by a ruthless force known as the Regime, where players must reclaim their homeworlds and raze every last enemy stronghold to the ground.”

Player teams will be deployed on guerilla missions with a generally simple task: destroy as much Regime infrastructure as possible. Each mission features completely destructible open world environments, whether they take place in cityscapes or natural locations, in a blend of “refined combat mechanics, team-oriented gameplay, and dynamically-destructible settings.”

Polaris is looking to release sometime later this year on Steam, but it is available for wishlisting now, while a beta test is scheduled to begin at some point this summer; players who are interested in that can subscribe to the game’s newsletter. Otherwise there’s a trailer to check out below.

source: press release
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