Solarpunk life sim Loftia talks about its sun, moon, and stars


In a game that describes itself as “solarpunk,” you’d rightly expect that Loftia is giving serious attention to making sure that its skybox is tuned to perfection. The devs came out to talk about how they’re crafting the sun, moon, and stars of the upcoming online life sim — and how this may be an important step toward creating seasons.

“This month our artists have become a little obsessed with the sky! From the moon, to the sun, to the stars, we’ve been exploring ways to make our experience in Loftia aesthetically pleasing no matter which direction you look,” the team said.

It’s not just adorable dinosaur constellations (seriously), as the devs also shared some of the other projects that they’re working on for the title. These include rain barrel bots, the core gameplay loop, the farming system, and the behind-the-scenes technical infrastructure.

One cool revelation is that Loftia will feature cross-server chat, which is essential for its “medium multiplayer” scope.

Source: Kickstarter
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