Star Citizen Animation Director Steve Bender and Technical Director Sean Tracy helm the game’s latest Ten for the Developers video, in which they spend air time discussing questions on animations (yes, major injuries will be reflected in animations), announcing that they are working on character weight sliders, and confirming that humans won’t be able to just rip alien armor off bodies and slap it on without some effort.
Perhaps the most interesting question is about movement, taking cover, and analogues to FPS combat. “There’s a distinct connection within Star Citizen that doesn’t exist in majority of first person shooters, where the third person and the first person assets are the same assets. That took a lot of, sort of, engineering figuring this out,” Bender explains. “Star Citizen, from a feeling standpoint, is going to be a little bit different than a lot of the games that you’ve typically played. It’s not really a Call of Duty, but then again it’s not a Battlefield 4, but then it’s not an ARMA 3, but then it’s not a Crysis 3. […] We’re taking sort of pieces of each of those, building something something new, and utilize what I like to call competitive analysis.”