Non-combat pets are one of those things that lots of MMOs have hanging around in their own ways. They’re little vanity rewards that allow you to show off some of your accomplishments and look cool, so that’s nice. But every game handles them a little bit differently, and I think it’s indisputable that some games just do the job better than others.
Final Fantasy XIV, for example, doesn’t just have an entire strategy game played with your vanity pets; it also has a variety of options for players to interact with those pets. The Coeurl Kitten bats at whatever you’re fighting and hisses if someone has a dog minion. Several pets will ride on your shoulder. Moogle pets will start dancing with one another. There’s lots of attention to detail, and that keeps my interest.
I also respect World of Warcraft‘s account-wide pets, complete with a minigame and some customization and interactive toys. But what about you, dear readers? What MMO has your favorite non-combat pets?