WRUP: Funcom fanboy edition

I don't really know either.

It has come to my attention that I am, in fact, kind of a studio fanboy. This in and of itself would be a mark of shame, except that the studio I’m a fanboy for is Funcom. Not Square-Enix, not Blizzard, not Cryptic Studios, not BioWare, not any of the studios that make games I actually play. Somehow I can’t feel a whole lot of shame over being a fanboy when the last actual Funcom title I played was The Park when it released last year.

I couldn’t even tell you how or why this happened, but it did, and here we are. Here we also are at this week’s installment of What Are You Playing, where we… well, tell you what we’re playing. Then you tell us what you’re playing in the comments. Then someone starts and argument and we have to moderate the heck out of the comments, which is a fun Saturday evening.

Really, though, Funcom? Why Funcom? I don’t get it.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I’ll be visiting my sister, her boyfriend, and their tiny apartment… with my brother, making it even smaller. My gaming will probably be limited to Hearthstone and Hyrule Warriors, even though I want to poke around Landmark a bit before launch, as I haven’t played since alpha!

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same as the last few weeks for me: Diablo III primarily, with a pinch of Marvel Heroes on the side. I am almost finished with my D3 goals and then will be moving on to something else. The Elder Scrolls Online is tempting!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): It’s going to be a rough weekend. See, I know that Final Fantasy XIV‘s next big patch drops on Tuesday, so I want to prep up for that and prepare myself for fully diving in next week. At the same time, I also have been enjoying Final Fantasy XI, and I want to play that a lot. It’s a real Sophie’s Choice here. Both of them will doubtlessly get some of my time, at least.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): So much to game now that I’m back from vacation! I’m working hard on getting my Star Trek Online captain up to tier 5 ships so that I can start on a build in earnest, I’m trying to gear up my World of Warcraft characters to at least i700, and I wouldn’t mind catching up on the latest missions in The Secret World. Perpetually behind, I am.

Thatchefdude, patron: This weekend it will be TESO Dark Brotherhood content and some more Battleborn while I wait for Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst to release midweek. Might dip into the new content for FFXIV as well, if I have time.

Your turn!

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