Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the only Star Wars film I actually own at the moment. I have that on Blu-Ray. I adore it. I went in to see it expecting it to be something that I saw mostly due to cultural onus, but then my wife and I went back to see it again a few days later. That’s incredibly rare for us; we almost never see a movie more than once in theaters. We left that movie theater having gone from “yeah, whatever, Star Wars” to “holy crap, that was so good, I want to see it again, I want to see more!”
There are many, many things that movie did right, but one of the things that I love about it is the fact that it’s not a movie for the fans. The fans were already going to see it because it’s a Star Wars movie. It was, in part, a movie for people like me who didn’t hold a deep and abiding love for the EU and everything with those two words in front. It was a movie that managed to at once reference the original and bring in new elements. It didn’t expect me to be a fan; it made me a fan.
Why is that this week’s What Are You Playing topic? Oh, no reason. Let us know what you’re up to in the comments!
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I’m preparing for E3, so Hearthstone and Overwatch may have to wait. At the very least, I’m doing a little Landmark for me and probably a little Black Desert Online for prep work. Oh, and I guess I’ll try to sleep now because that certainly won’t be happening much between Tuesday and Thursday!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): So I was helping my kid in Guild Wars 2 the other day – somehow his Asura was gearless, overloaded, and broke in the middle of nowhere – and I kind of got sucked back into the game. I rolled a new Revenant. Not sure I’ll stick with it, though. I’ve also been tinkering in Marvel Heroes. Whee!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): You know what? I’m just going to collapse into Final Fantasy XIV, make some forays into Final Fantasy XI, and hole up for the weekend. Don’t call me. I’m busy.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): No great tales of thrilling exploits here, I’m afraid. I’ll probably poke around in the Risa summer event in Star Trek Online some and maybe catch up in my The Secret World missions before next week’s museum launches.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): In those rare moments I am not packing, I will be gobbling up birthday cake in Marvel Heroes. I also plan to slip in a round or two of Chronicle: RuneScape Legends, since that will be easy to jump in and out of as time allows. Other than logging in for a daily or two, I think I won’t have the chance to do much more than that.
Archebius, patron: Aside from getting a last few things wrapped up around the apartment, we’re going to see the wife’s parents tomorrow. Between all that, I’ll be fending off the forces of Chaos in Total Warhammer. The different faction mechanics/units are awesome, and this is the first Total War game I’ve played since Medieval II that feels polished at launch. As I have time, I’m trying to get back into ESO, and debating getting Overwatch… so far I’ve managed to resist. So far.
Pierre, patron: Still into Final Fantasy XI and The Elder Scrolls Online and enjoying both MMOs. Did you notice that FFXI is getting monthly updates since it went into maintenance mode? Pretty amazing, isn’t it? I also bought the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X/X-2 on Steam; after seeing at a friend’s how gorgeous the PC version was, I couldn’t resist. It’s even running pretty well in 4K and the remaster isn’t a simple PC port as Square-Enix has done in the past; the textures have been worked on and this version is really better looking than all of the previous console versions.
thatchefdude, Patron: This weekend I’ll be exploring FFXIV’s patch 3.3, with a little bit of Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 in honor of the Euro2016 and Copa America tournaments. Plenty of soccer to watch as well.
Your turn!