Do you have dry mouth? Do you find it difficult to get motivated in the mornings? Do you produce too much saliva? Do you know the capital of Montana? Are you allergic to animals? Have you watched a TV show? If you answered any of these questions or none of them, Prescribital is right for you.
Prescribital is a non-drowsy, non-habit-forming drug that we encourage you to take morning, noon, and night until you feel like lying down and resting. It treats a variety of symptoms, including any that you have as well as any that could be used to convince your hypochondriac brain that you have some kind of hyper-cancer after a browsing session on WebMD.
Prescribital is not for everyone, and by “not” we mean “definitely.” Ask your doctor to prescribe you some today. Let us know what you’re playing in this week’s edition of What Are You Playing, then go yell at a medical professional to get the fancy designer drug that treats something you’re pretty sure you might have.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Starting to plan my exit from Japan. There’s some special people I want to spend time with before I won’t be able to visit on a regular basis (unless I suddenly start making a lot more money). That being said, I’m at least hoping to spend time with the Monster Hunter Generations demo to see if I should jump into the next one. I’ve had a little hands on time with it, barely scratched the surface, and there are some big changes in there. I’ll probably also hit up Hearthstone to finally get some of those dailies done, and maybe hit some rocks in Landmark.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Hope to be doing my usual – a bit of The Elder Scrolls Online and a bit of Ultima Online, though impending plans with family are probably going to wreck up my next few weeks of gaming. Gotta get it in while I can!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog):Mostly the usual stuff in Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI, with a bit of World of Warcraft to prepare for the pre-patch fiasco that will inevitably take place soon-ish. I’ve avoided buying too much on the Steam sale so far, so go me.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m already in the thick of re-running featured episodes in Star Trek Online for their spiffy special rewards. I’ve already welcomed a Breen bridge officer to the crew, so life is good. Apart from that, I purchased a few games on the Steam Summer Sale, including The Stanley Parable and The Long Dark, so I might want to check those out.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): Because the ARK: Survival Evolved server is wiping and “launching” this weekend, I will be spending the bulk of the my time getting situated on the island, building a little base and trying to find a few dinos to help that (and my survival) along. Outside of that, I will be hunting anniversary golems in The Secret World. Thanks to the Marvel Heroes anniversary event being extended, I will probably pop back in there each day as well, but only for the daily log-in cake award!
Your turn!