“Claiming victory in World of Warships takes more than raw power,” says the studio. “You need focused strength, a tactical mind, and a winning strategy. We found a man who has all three.”
“Wargaming is proud to announce that Steven Seagal is now the World of Warships’ personal Heroic Battle Advisor. His resume speaks for itself: he’s a man who’s hard to kill, always out for justice, and willing to make an executive decision. With numerous victories against the odds under his belt (and as a guy who knows a thing or two about warships), Steven is the only man up to the task.”
In other Wargaming news, Gamasutra reports that Wargaming-owned studio WG Cells, which was picked up and renamed by Wargaming last year to develop a World of Tanks mobile property, has laid off the entirety of its workforce. More when we have it.