Cutesy anime sandbox Tree of Savior isn’t gonna be one of those MMORPGs that lets Thanksgiving slide, oh no. IMCGames says the game’s Harvest Festival, which runs from November 14th through December 6th, is meant to “set the mood for the holiday season.”
Characters level 50 and up will be able to pick up event seeds from the in-game notice board, once per day, then either use it immediately for a sweet experience and movement buff or plant it at a farm in-game for a prize instead. “Planted prizes can be collected by anyone as soon as they are ready to be harvested,” the studio warns. “Please note that you alone will be responsible for keeping your harvest safe as we will not be providing help with lost harvests.”
In other Tree of Savior news, the developers have explained the thought process behind some rather dramatic trade restrictions, like the one that holds cash in the auction hall for an extra two days after a sale.
“In-game market is inevitably tied to malicious criminal acts such as RMT because it is the main distribution channels in the in-game items and currencies. We are continuously monitoring the transactions of major RMT-items on the market and requires a period of delay to detect illicit activities and prevent such actions from significantly affecting iTOS. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with the 48 hours restriction. It is difficult to remove 48 hours restriction, We are examining all the options for reducing the current waiting time more in the future patch.”