WRUP: It’s dangerous to go alone edition

Yes, I know.

It’s dangerous to go alone! Have fun.

What, you want me to give you something? Holy crap, no. Why would I give you something? It is dangerous out there, and this is my stuff. I like my stuff. That’s why it’s my stuff, because otherwise I wouldn’t want this stuff. I’d have… like, other stuff, stuff that I didn’t like as much. Maybe your stuff.

So, yeah, it’s dangerous to go alone, but that’s really your own stupid problem. You can probably find like apples or swords or rocks or something to use while you’re out there, that’ll save you. Or you’ll die violently. I don’t care. Leave your entry on this week’s What Are You Playing and get out. Really, go. It’s much less dangerous to stay here alone. Leave!

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Well, since there’s the Grass event happening this weekend, I’ll be doing some Pokémon Go and praying trading or breeding makes a secret appearance (I’ve been hoarding ‘mon for too long). Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will get some attention since the new battle-mode is so much better! I may pop into one of Blizzard’s snacky games, since my brother had me Cho to power him through the new quests in Heroes of the Storm and now I have skins and heroes in two games I haven’t played as much as I’d like.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m not sure! I’ve got piles of work in front of me, but maybe I’ll get back to Guild Wars 2. So much living story to get caught up on!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Stuff to be done in Final Fantasy XIV, and I’ve also been re-reading some old favorite bits of culture around Final Fantasy XI which is inspiring me to dip back into that game. Plus, you know, it has a 15-year anniversary this year.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): With Star Wars: The Old Republic’s insane 250% XP event going on right now, I’m speed-leveling a new Gunslinger through the personal story and realizing how much I’ve missed this game. Other plans involve going on another Lord of the Rings Online scavenger hunt, finishing the personal story in Guild Wars 2, and recording a pair of new Battle Bards podcasts.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’d like to spend some time building in Conan Exiles and ARK: Survival Evolved. Otherwise I will be enjoying the LotRO life and living it up in EverQuest II. I’ve so much to do in both Middle-earth and Norrath!

Your turn!

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