Despite its long-term status as a meme generation machine, World of Warcraft is actually a game. It’s just a game where some of its memes have become part of the general MMO landscape. Stuff like the JP Button from Final Fantasy XI never went beyond their games of origin. But they were still memes; I can tell people in Final Fantasy XIV that I’m doing Raubahn EX, and they know what I mean. Tell a former City of Heroes player to go and hunt, and they’ll know exactly what you mean.
Of course, sometimes the memes either wind up referencing a part of the game that’s less than fun or just flat-out wrong. And some of them just aren’t very funny (Leeroy Jenkins never made me even crack a smile). But of all these silly memes, dear readers, which one is closest to you? What’s your favorite MMO meme? And do the people you tend to play with still remember it?
Also, yes, CoH players, I know the formatting up there is wrong. You got my meaning.