Are you a lurker, a spectator, a lookie-loo when it comes to Overwatch? For fans of the game who love to watch matches yet have a hard time following the frantic fighting, Blizzard has a few projects in the works to help out.
“Probably the top thing we hear on the development team is that sometimes watching Overwatch e-sports can be very challenging to follow the action and know what’s going on,” Game Director Jeff Kaplan says in the team’s most recent vlog. “So for the past few months, the Overwatch team has been extremely dedicated to working on a number of features to improve the viewing experience for all of us.”
These improvements include team uniforms (in both home and away versions), team color schemes that will be used in tracer rounds and explosions, an interactive map to show all of the action at once, a third-person smart camera, replays from the kill feed, and an automated tournament interface for organizers.