When Standing Stone Games first announced Lord of the Rings Online’s upcoming progression server, the community had plenty of suggestions to how the studio might best tweak this particular ruleset. And while initially it seemed as though SSG wasn’t going to acquiesce to any of these, now the studio is showing signs of capitulating.
One point in particular that looks up for discussion is adjusting the rate of experience gain for this special ruleset. Many players have asked for a reduced XP rate due to how quickly they can outlevel content, especially if they’re taking their time going through these level-capped regions.
“We too have been considering the pace of leveling on the legendary server, and would be curious to hear more about your thoughts on XP gain,” said the studio on the forums. “Would you like us to curb the amount of XP gained on the legendary server, and what pace do you prefer?”
Let the studio know your opinions on this topic!
Source: LOTRO forums