When TinySpeck – that’s the company that went on to ultimately found Slack – sunsetted its tiny browser sandbox Glitch back in 2012, it did something most other MMO companies would never do: It turned over assets and permission to use them to the community. That’s meant there are several fan-built versions of the game floating around the internet in various states of development, including Eleven and Children of Ur.
Now add one more to the pile: Odd Giants by indie developer Reflect Soft. There isn’t a whole lot of info yet on how the game will deviate from the original, if it will at all; it looks to be promising the same huge pile of maps, achievements, NPC, and critters. The original game ran in Flash, which was part of the problem with its longevity – a successful reboot would need to port to something modern.
“We’re keeping it closed source and serious, as we understood that bringing up volunteers to develop the game is a neat experience, but due to it’s nature, very limiting and slow process,” the devs told MOP. “We decided to use Patreon as a way of covering up some of the server uptime cost and potentially development time.” The site recommends players “stay tuned” for more info, forums, and more, and we think waiting and watching for now is good advice all around. We’ll be watching to see how this one develops.