If you don’t feel that venturing out into an irradiated wasteland and going on a months-long camping trip is enough of an outdoors experience for you, then you might be a prime candidate to join up with Fallout 76’s Pioneer Scouts.
Coming with the May 7th content update, the Pioneer Scouts is a former kids organization that is accepting any new recruits who don’t mind starting at the rank of Tadpole and working their way toward Possum. Players can earn badges to spend on CAMP goodies and even go listen to some spooky campfire tales after dark.
The best reward for aspiring Scouts is obtaining a backpack, which not only increases carrying capacity (yay) but also can be modded to provide more armor protection or food-preserving refrigeration.
In other news, Fallout 76 is offering a leg-up with a double XP event that’s going on right now through Monday morning. Go get ’em, Scouts!