Today is a busy day in Black Desert Online, with some updates to both the PC version and the PS4 version that players will definitely want to take note of -specifically, some new events for the PC players and regions and class goodies that are new to PS4 players.
On PC, you’ve got your first part of the Season of the Hunt, which combines five different events to help players hunt some monsters and get some XP and loot. Players can claim a special Kit that will offer up a number of 7-day weapons, sub weapons, and other accessories and goodies, as well as complete challenge events and hunt certain monsters to charge Marni’s Stones for rewards. World boss loot drops will also double during the event.
In addition to all this monster hunting, there’s a Fall Festival login event happening on PC that rewards new and returning players with various freebies like an adorable Naughty Dog pet, a Sealed Book of Combat, and various other materials and rewards. Rewards are offered for either logging in or reaching certain level milestones depending on whether you’re new or returning, so make sure to click the link for all the details.
Over in PS4-land, there’s lots of new features for Black Desert players. In short: The desert region of Valencia is now open to PS4 players, the Lahn and Ninja classes are now playable, and every class in the PS4 version can achieve its advanced Awakening, opening up new skills and power. Do you like related videos? Well you’re about to get a whole smorgasbord of ’em below. And for more Black Desert goodness, make sure to tune in for Desert Oasis later this afternoon.