“During dire times, a boost in morale helps greatly to endure and overcome,” opens the announcement from Black Desert, and in the interest of providing that morale boost, the PC version of the sandbox MMORPG is kicking off the Find Your Oasis event, which is offering increased item drops and a number of events to take part in.
Between now and April 8th maintenance, players can look forward to enhanced drop rates of black stones from monsters, black crystal shards from gathering, and ancient relics from fishing during “hot times,” which run for seven hours on Monday through Thursday between 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. EDT and 60 hours in total starting at 7:00 p.m. EDT on Friday until 6:00 a.m. EDT on Monday. The Black Spirit also has some boss summon scroll quests that reward Contribution Points, there is a special NPC shopkeeper that sells level 56 gear boxes for 1 silver each with no purchasing limits, and a Dream Chest that can be earned from the Challenge tab.
The event in question is going on now, so make sure to check out both the event post and the latest patch notes, which also details other changes made to the game overall.