WRUP: Small shopping centers I have known and how they would deal with the spite of Tgek’dmal edition

You were hoping for a picture of Tgek'dmal, I know.

Fox Run Mall: Soothing atmosphere coupled with a poor layout and an unclear differentiation between the larger area and the proper Fox Run Mall itself would lead to Tgek’dmal’s rage swelling to perform the Unspeakable Crunch to this shopping center. The streets would run blue with an unidentified fluid that stinks of ozone and peppermint.

Eastbrook Mall: Tgek’dmal’s frustration at poor selection is quickly tempered by the knowledge that this mall has somehow been going out of business since the day it opened. He would make a small purchase at one of the two non-shuttered storefronts, look at the vacant kiosks, and mumble to himself as he returned to the Blind Chariot which he parked in a handicapped space.

Those stores by the CVS that I used to walk to from home: There’s an Afghan restaurant there now, or there was the last time I went here. I really didn’t like the place last time, but was that me just ordering the wrong thing? I really love food from that region. Gosh, do I want falafel? Of course I want falafel.

The Shoppes: This spelling of “shops” confuses and angers Tgek’dmal but he does enjoy Panera.

The Buckland strip mall: Tgek’dmal still remembers when he took a boy named Elian out to dinner here. Elian was so handsome, and they laughed at the same things. At the end of the night Tgek’dmal blighted seven stars forevermore and Elian said he was waiting for marriage.

Whatever the heck they call all the stores around that Denny’s: Something something What Are You Playing, blah blah eldritch horror, swiggity swenny let’s go to Denny’s.

Bonus question: What’s your favorite kind of fruit to eat by itself? No toppings, not with something else, but just the fruit all on its own?

Andy McAdams: At the rate I’ve been game jumping the last few weeks, the best I can say right now is “something.” I’ll definitely be playing something.

Bonus Question: I’m going to say papaya. They are a sticky mess, but man do I love to eat fresh papaya.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Definitely will be in Star Wars Galaxies Legends this weekend. I gots armor to stock! I also got Elder Scrolls Blades loaded up on my Switch. Hopefully it plays better there than on mobile…

Easy call for me – it’s mandarin oranges! They are basically candy, let’s be real.

Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX): I’m really into Black Desert Online more than I usually am, so I’ll be doing that. I’ve been enjoying my time playing my new no-pay account. I’m finding a lot of challenges that a few dollars can solve and I’m loving it! I’ll be clearing the Valencia storyline in order to get a special accessory to strengthen my character, so I’m eager to get that done. If I play my cards right, I might be able to knock out the Kamasylvia and Drigeign storylines as well.

As for the bonus question, I have a very sharp taste so I prefer to eat my fruits on its own. Actually, I don’t really like toppings on any of my food. I eat hotdogs without ketchup or mustard, French fries are eaten without toppings and so on and so forth. I’m going to flip this question on its head too, the one fruit I do like eating with toppings is sour mango with sauteed shrimp paste. The salty and sour flavors balance each other out for me and the flavor is to die for.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’m feeling the need to once more dink about in Black Desert, so that’s likely going to be a primary feature. I also wanna knuckle down on some Star Citizen projects. Mostly the making money project. There’s likely going to be more Dauntless and Final Fantasy XIV interspersed as well.

Watermelon. I freaking love watermelon. It’s one of those fruits that are just absolutely perfect on its own without needing to meddle with it or integrate it into something else. I would eat more fresh watermelon if they were smaller, since I’d be the only one eating it (husband can’t due to dietary restrictions).

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ve got some minor things to do in World of Warcraft and FFXIV, but most of the weekend will likely be spent working on other projects or just fumbling around in other games to play. Likely another weekend spent not really making headway in Final Fantasy VII Remake, alas.

It can be a touch annoying at times, but I am an absolute sucker for kiwis. Pears are a close second.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): So much to game, so little time. I am working on a new Hobbit Hunter in Lord of the Rings Online, getting ready for Greymoor on The Elder Scrolls Online, and trying to find level appropriate quests in Fallout 76.

Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I’ve been doing a lot of game hopping lately, but this weekend will probably be an EverQuest weekend as I warm up for the opening of the Aradune TLP server.

Bonus: Bananas. Or mangoes. Or oranges. Just put me down for all the fruits.

Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I’ll be playing Starborne. Between queue times I’ll probably roll up in Valorant and even Crowfall.

Favorite fruit is probably a personal watermelon. I’ll slice one of those pups in half and make lunch out of it.

Tyler Edwards: I’m planning to dive into the free trial of Fallout 76. My expectations are low, but I’m curious, and free is free. Any leftover time will likely go to the Reign of Terror mod for Grim Dawn.

Bonus question: Mangoes, but I’m fussy about them. They have to be just barely ripe, so they’re juicy but still a bit tart.

Pierre, patron: As expected, I finished my The Last of Us playthrough last weekend. I really enjoyed the game and I like the ending. I’m now going through the New Game+ and will then go through the Left Behind prequel. On the MMO front, I have resubbed to Final Fantasy XI. I wanted to play a MMO and as FFXI is really one of my favorites (it was my first MMO). I never managed to get into FFXIV without getting bored by the story, even if the UI is far better than in FFXI. But I find the content in FFXI more interesting than in FFXIV, and the game is quite beautiful, considering its respectable age.

Bonus question: My favorite fruits are apricots. I also like grapes a lot. In general, I really like fruits and eat a lot of them, any of them. Except pears, I’m really not into pears. And you MOP readers, what are the fruits of your gaming choices and decisions this weekend?

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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