Back when vanilla World of Warcraft was a new thing, I soloed Hogger on my Paladin. This did not strike me as all that weird. After all, it was just another gnoll. Sure, he had a fancy frame around his portrait and it took a little while longer than I expected, but it wasn’t all that unusual as a Paladin, at least not to me. It was only later that I realized that Hogger was supposedly The Scourge of Lowbies Everywhere, making my success at killing him an accomplishment that wasn’t my intention and didn’t even initially register with me.
The old joke is that the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that, so it flies. In reality, this is wrong, but the sentiment still speaks to something. There are times in every MMO when we don’t really know something is supposed to be impossible, so we find a way to do it… only to later find out that it wasn’t supposed to be doable in the first place. So have you ever had an accomplishment in an MMO you didn’t realize was an accomplishment at the time?