There was a time when World of Warcraft charging $25 for a sparkly pony was considered absurd fleecing of its playerbase. Times have certainly changed since then, and not just because it turned out that these mounts were a license to print money for Blizzard (hence the studio making a bunch more of them). No, we’ve seen a lot of grifting in the MMO sphere since then, to the point where getting upset for just paying for a mount seems almost quaint.
A full list of all the things that people have been enraged about and referred to as some form of grifting would take a lot more space than we have here, but there’s a lot of examples, ranging from non-games like Wild West Online and Infestation: Survivor Stories to failed Kickstarter titles like TUG to even otherwise respectable games like Lord of the Rings Online charging money for a minor content update. So what do you think of as the most egregious grifting you’ve seen in the MMO sphere?