You either believe that NFT-minted artwork is the wave of the future, a brick in an impossibly tall pyramid scheme, or techbros turning the idea of card collecting into an environmental hazard. Or perhaps you’re curious, in which case this Reddit thread does a pretty good job of explaining the scheme. However you feel about it, know that the money people of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen appear to be dipping their toes into that pool.
Visionary Realms has decided to open up a storefront with artwork NFTs, starting off with three unique pieces of digital art for sale. The Twitter announcement promises that this NFT store will not feature any in-game items and all money raised will directly fund the MMORPG’s development.
Reaction to this announcement in the tweet’s replies appears to be mostly negative, with many replies stating that the NFT storefront is not a good look particularly since there are a number of concerns about how NFTs and crypto art are affecting the environment. But one way or the other, the storefront is open.