If you’re an Aion fan, will you do me a solid? Hop down to the comments and let me know if you’re looking forward to Aion 2 or not. Just curious about that. While we wait for that sequel to arrive, however, some players have elected to go back in time and enjoy some Aion Classic.
In fact, this might be a great month to dip into Aion Classic’s waters, as NCsoft is rolling out an update on August 17th. The patch will increase drop rates “across the board,” kick off Daeva Pass Season 15, reduce weekly and seasonal mission XP, and add some new items into the game — including a “Mischievous Whale Costume.” Trust us, you’re not ready for this:
Now you’ve won the MMO fashion wars.
Players who log into Aion Classic by the end of the month will also receive a cute little Stormwing pet… for 30 days. Then he goes to the little pet farm in the sky or something.