WRUP: Generate your steampunk name (not a data harvesting scheme) edition

Somewhere far away from here.

Hello there! Do you want to know what your steampunk name would be? Post it down in the comments of this week’s What Are You Playing using this handy-dandy generator which is definitely not a data harvesting scheme.

  • First, your birth month determines your title. January = Professor, February = Doctor, March = people born in March don’t get to be steampunk, go away, April = Aeropirate, May = Accountant But With Gears, June = Aeropirate again, July = Mechanist, August = Erotic Woodcutter, September = September, October = Mecha-Doctor, November = Machine-man, December = Farmer.
  • The first letter of your last name and the last letter of your first name probably sound really weird if you smash them together and try to pronounce them, huh?
  • The password to your email account you should just post in the comments, make sure it’s clearly written.
  • You can just email me the name, address, credit card number, and security code for your highest-limit credit card. This is very smart.
  • Treat the first nine digits of your Social Security Number as if they were an actual number. Add 10 to the total, then subtract five, add eight, and subtract 13. Then post that in the comments too!
  • I guess you can tell us what you’re playing too.

Bonus question: What do you use spreadsheets for on a regular basis?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): The usual exercise games, especially to prep for the Go Fest finale event, but also more Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and possibly Splatoon 2 to get back into the groove.

I mostly use spreadsheets for articles and presentations. While I’m more of a words person, I know that just arranging things on a chart can make data visually more appealing for some people, and when something is numbers heavy anyway, it just makes good sense.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m hoping to get back into Lord of the Rings Online more this weekend as I’ve resubbed and am working on the Farmer’s Faire stuff. Yay flower butt ponies! I’m also going to pop into City of Heroes; I’m still working on leveling my nameholder toons a bit.

I’m a spreadsheets junkie. I use them for tracking everything we do on MOP, from payroll to Patreon rewards. But I use them for fun too! All my main video games have dedicated spreadsheets. I have spreadsheets for all my hobbies and collections too. Really not a day goes by when I’m not dipping into Excel or Sheets.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I have bare few days to hit the item levels needed for Final Fantasy XIV’s 6.2 so that will probably be a chief focus. Otherwise, I am probably going to play some more Cooking Simulator VR. Assuming the heat doesn’t get to me.

I spread sheets on my bed. Ha ha ha. Ha. Ha.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): With only a couple days left until FFXIV patches it’s just running things in, so I’ll do some maintenance stuff there. Otherwise it’s a wide-open weekend. I might wind up trying out Tower of Fantasy, Chris definitely nudged me in that direction.

I love tracking projects in games on spreadsheets and generally have a few of them running at any given time. Oddly, I don’t tend to track things like personal finances on them, even though I have the skill to do it; I find that easy to just do in my head. But tracking level progress? That’s a spreadsheet’s job!

Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): This is the last weekend before school for my kids, so we’re going to try to do some fun family stuff. I am also thinking about dropping into either The Elder Scrolls Online or LOTRO. We’ll see.

I use spreadsheets for my conlang dictionaries, which probably puts me on a completely different plane of nerdiness. My husband uses them to track our finances like a normal person.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m all in on MultiVersus. So I’ll be playing plenty of that. I finished the meta festival in Guild Wars 2 so I’ve got a little bit of gaming time I can squeeze something else into. I started TESO a month or so ago but it didn’t stick so well but I don’t want to totally give up on it yet. I think I’ll try to get in there some more again.

Bonus: I use them for everything. Work and play. I open them up even for some simple addition and stuff like when I need to figure out if I can pay that loan bill this month or not!

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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