WRUP: Months of 2023 due to budget cuts edition

Home is where the hutt is.

Sorry, folks. We ran out of money for 2023 already. We promised to give Chris Evans all the scones he wanted if he would help us out with 2023, but it turns out that Chris Evans wants lots of very expensive scones, and we couldn’t get him enough scones. And we still had to buy him as many scones as we could get. Luckily, we’ve figured out a 2023 schedule that should sort of work out all right if you squint and don’t pay too much attention. All right? Here’s the monthly schedule, just mark it in your calendar.

  • January: Heavens open up and God descends to proclaim that anyone who pronounces “GIF” incorrectly will not have their name written in the Book of Life. It’s a hard G. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. (I’m not actually sorry.)
  • February: Just running “Best of February 2000-2015” on repeat because frankly, who even pays attention to February?
  • March: All rise for the honorable Sandra MacDougal, Queen of Ants! That’ll sound way more ominous in March, promise.
  • April: Ants purchase Twitter. It gets significantly better.
  • May-July: It’s the Summer of Housecats! It was going to be the summer of tigers, but we can only afford standard housecats now. So it’s less of a slow rolling disaster and more of a lot of snuggly little buddies. I guess maybe you have allergies?
  • August: Rolling Stones farewell tour month (2023 edition). This time Keith Richards will consume the life force of two dozen cows live on stage at a show in Milwaukee. Sales will skyrocket.
  • September-October: The nation unites to celebrate… this one really neat-looking armadillo! It’s very cute.
  • November: What Are You Playing goes into reruns from the inception of old Massively due to budget cuts. No one cares.
  • December: Introducing un-Christmas, in which everyone gives everyone else rolls of wrapping paper and no gifts! Very economical.

Bonus question: What are you looking forward to in 2023 at this point?

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I totally missed that Splatfest is coming next weekend, so I’ll be preparing for that (go Team Spicy!). It’s also Cinder Ace weekend in Pokemon Violet so I’ll be trying to help people in that, as it’s already been a rough experience with randoms.

The thing I’m most looking forward to is probably doing at least some minor traveling this year, as I’ve barely left my county since COVID.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ve been playing Lord of the Rings Online, mostly my Hunter, though I’ve also played a bit on my Lore-master, and I’ve dragged my old year-one Minstrel out for some refurbishing finally.

I’m just looking forward to getting back to a regular mundane schedule. November-December takes a lot out of me!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Got some single-player stuff to get through for review and just from Christmas presents, but I’ll be getting my usual Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft activities in as I can. The latter is already wearing on me a bit with its endgame cycle, though. Do you know I got six pairs of gloves from weekly events last week? Six! None of them an upgrade!

Anyhow, 2022 was horrible for me. Scary, hurtful, filled with loss, and just generally difficult. But the year ended with good things setting up next year. Reasons to be hopeful about things. And thus, I am carrying a distinct and determined energy into 2023, which I have chosen to summarize with a song. It’s going to involve work, it’s going to mean growth, there will be challenges, but this is what I want from 2023.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): No gaming this weekend for me. One last hurrah of spending time with people IRL and then this can get back to normal.

Bonus: I’m looking forward to a handful of new games that we’ve discussed a bunch before. Outside of gaming… I’m looking forward to hitting the next $1 billion dollar jackpot. That’ll be nice.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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