Grab a Eudemons starter kit in honor of the Swordmaster class launch


Netdragon’s MMO Eudemons is busy this month celebrating the launch of a brand-new class, the Swordmaster, who can “control thousands of flying swords and form a vortex over the target area, dealing massive physical damage” – yes, this sword class is actually a ranged attacker. The Swordmaster is accompanied by a mount dubbed Fated Sword, and its appearance changes as the player levels up. Yes, you can ride the sword.

To celebrate the release, the studio has granted us a stack of keys for new players. The gift pack includes a 15-day Wild Whale(B), a 10-day David Pet(B), a 10-day Gallant Shadow Pack(B), 6 Red Stones, a Lucky Potion +1 (B), and an ATK+10% Gem(B). Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!

get your key

1976 keys left!

To redeem your code, new players should create an account on the official website, download the game, log in, and create a new character. Once logged into that character, you can open the “hot event” tab on the top-right corner of the game screen and claim your code on the “gift pack code” page. Gifts will be sent via in-game mail. Codes are valid from now through April 16th, 2023, only for newly registered players, with one gift per newly created character.

Standard giveaway notes: If there’s no captcha or Mo button and all it says is “No keys left! Sorry” in big letters, then we’re out of keys. If we get another batch from the studio, we’ll send out a note on social media. Having problems with the captcha not working? Try an alt browser or clear your cache. And finally, hang on to your code! If you lose it after all of our keys are given out, we cannot retrieve it for you.

Good luck and have fun!

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