An MMO being unavailable is not a dire situation. Of all the things that could happen to you that are inconvenient on a given day, this is probably near the bottom. (If you find yourself saying that it’s a gross inconvenience and ruins your whole day, please find all of the grass possible and just touch it until I say it is all right to stop.) But it can be irritating. Like finding out that you can’t finish making your dinner as planned in the middle of preparation, it is rarely a disaster, but it can derail everything you’re trying to do.
We have all had at least one situation when we really want to play a game but it is unavailable unexpectedly. The reason isn’t all that important; what’s important is that we can’t do what we want to be doing. So when has this been at its most irritating to you? What has been your most irritating unexpected MMO outage over your playing history?