Welcome back to Massively Overpowered’s formal end-of-the-year awards for one more special award. Readers will remember that a few years ago, we decided to institute a lifetime achievement award specifically to honor an MMORPG that has made a significant contribution to the genre over the course of its lifetime and the genre’s history but may not be recognized within the confines of our regular awards.
Last year’s recipient was Final Fantasy XIV. This year’s lifetime achievement award goes to none other than…
“The first time I heard about Guild Wars, it was a magazine article that highlighted how ArenaNet was zigging instead of zagging on the business model,” Justin wrote. “In an era where every MMO was subbed, this one would be buy-to-play only — and that got my attention big-time. While it’s been since overshadowed by its sequel, the original was legitimately ground-breaking for its skill collection, accessibility, beauty, and passionate community. It laid the foundation for an amazing MMO game world that can still be revisited today thanks to a studio that’s still zigging away.”
Or as Eliot put it, “We’re over here handing out lifetime awards, and my father trifles with doors?!”
That’s a wrap – a real wrap – on our formal awards. Congratulations to all our winners!